Reformulation of Postpaid Broadband Plans w.e.f. 01/12/2014

Postpaid Limited Plans
S.No.ParticularsBBG 275
( BBG 375 w.e.f 01.12.2014)
BBG CNT Combo 630BBG Speed Combo 2949BBG Super Speed Combo 3899 VDSLBBG Super Speed Combo 5249BBG Super Speed Combo 7349
1Bandwidth (Download Speed)Upto 2MbpsUpto 2 MbpsUpto 8MbpsDownload -Upto 10 Mbps Upload -Upto 4 MbpsUpto 16 MbpsUpto 24 Mbps
2ApplicabilityAll UsersAll UsersAll UsersAll UsersAll UsersAll Users
3Monthly Charges (Rs)275
(375 w.e.f 01.12.2014)
4Annual Payment Option (Rs.) [11 x FMC]3025
(4125 w.e.f 01.12.2014)
5Two Years Payment Option (Rs.) [21 x FMC]5775
(7875 w.e.f 01.12.2014)
6Three Years Payment Option (Rs.) [30 x FMC]8250
(11250 w.e.f 01.12.2014)
7Download/Upload Limit (MB/ GB) per month1.0 GB
( 1.5 GB w.e.f 01.12.2014)
2.5 GB60 GB100 GB125 GB250 GB
8Additional Usage Charges/ MB beyond free download/upload limit (Rs)0.30 upto 5 GB, 0.15 thereafter0.30 (08:00-02:00 Hrs.)
0.15 (02:00-08:00 Hrs.)
9Free E-mail IDs/Space (Per E-mail ID)1/5 MB1/5 MB1/5 MB1/5 MB1/5 MB1/5 MB
10Static IP Address (On Request)NANAOne FreeOne FreeOne FreeOne Free
11Security DepositNILOne Month chargesOne Month chargesOne Month chargesOne Month chargesOne Month charges
12Minimum Hire PeriodOne MonthOne MonthOne MonthOne MonthOne MonthOne Month
13Telephone fixed monthly charges in RsAs per existing Landline PlanNILNILNILNILNIL
14Free Calls(within BSNL N/W only)25050050010001000
15MCU charges/ pulse in Rs.(To BSNL N/W after free calls)11111
(To other N/W)
  • Revision in FMC will be applicable for all existing and new customers
  • Existing customers, who are already under Annual/Two year/three year payment option before revision in tariff, they may not be charged the revised tariff till the expiry of their current Annual/Two year/three year subscription.
  • Revised Tariff for 'BBG Combo 299' plan is to be effective w.e.f. 01-12-2014 . Since the plan is not available for new customers, the revision shall be for the existing customers. BBG Combo 299 is reformulated as BBG Combo 345 .Henceforth FMC in Rs. will be 345.

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