8281000222 50 5000 150 3 250
8281000333 50 5000 150 3 250
8281000444 50 5000 150 3 250
8281000555 50 5000 150 3 250
8281000666 50 5000 150 3 250
8281000777 50 5000 150 3 250
8281000999 50 5000 150 3 250
8281011111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8281020202 50 5000 150 2 250
8281022222 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281030303 50 5000 150 2 250
8281033333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281040404 50 5000 150 2 250
8281044444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281050505 50 5000 150 2 250
8281055555 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281060606 50 5000 150 2 250
8281070707 50 5000 150 2 250
8281077777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8281080808 50 5000 150 2 250
8281082810 50 10000 150 1 1000
8281090909 50 5000 150 2 250
8281099999 50 50000 150 1 5000
8281111444 50 5000 150 3 250
8281121212 50 5000 150 2 250
8281131313 50 5000 150 2 250
8281133333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281141414 50 5000 150 2 250
8281144444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281151515 50 5000 150 2 250
8281155555 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281161616 50 5000 150 2 250
8281166666 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281171717 50 5000 150 2 250
8281177777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8281181818 50 5000 150 2 250
8281188888 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281191919 50 5000 150 2 250
8281199999 50 50000 150 1 5000 8281211111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8281212121 50 5000 150 2 250
8281222111 50 5000 150 3 250
8281222444 50 5000 150 3 250
8281222555 50 5000 150 3 250
8281222666 50 5000 150 3 250
8281222777 50 5000 150 3 250
8281222888 50 5000 150 3 250
8281222999 50 5000 150 3 250
8281232323 50 5000 150 2 250
8281233333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281242424 50 5000 150 2 250
8281244444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281252525 50 5000 150 2 250
8281255555 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281262626 50 5000 150 2 250
8281272727 50 5000 150 2 250
8281277777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8281282812 50 10000 150 1 1000
8281282828 50 5000 150 2 250
8281288888 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281292929 50 5000 150 2 250
8281299999 50 50000 150 1 5000
8281311111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8281322222 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281323232 50 5000 150 2 250
8281333000 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333111 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333222 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333333 50 22000 150 1 2200
8281333555 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333666 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333777 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333888 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333999 50 5000 150 3 250
8281343434 50 5000 150 2 250
8281344444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281353535 50 5000 150 2 250
8281355555 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281363636 50 5000 150 2 250
8281366666 50 13000 150 1 1300 8281377777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8281382813 50 10000 150 1 1000
8281383838 50 5000 150 2 250
8281388888 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281399999 50 50000 150 1 5000
8281401111 50 7000 150 2 350
8281401234 50 7000 150 1 350
8281401786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281402786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281403786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281404142 50 5000 150 3 250
8281404786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281405786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281406786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281407777 50 5000 150 2 250
8281407786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281408140 50 5000 150 3 250
8281408786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281409786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281409999 50 10000 150 2 1000
8281411000 50 2000 150 3 100
8281411111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8281414141 50 5000 150 2 250
8281422222 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281424242 50 5000 150 2 250
8281433333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281434343 50 5000 150 2 250
8281444000 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444222 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444333 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444555 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444666 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444777 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444888 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444999 50 5000 150 3 250
8281454545 50 5000 150 2 250
8281456456 50 3000 150 3 250
8281464646 50 5000 150 2 250
8281466666 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281474747 50 5000 150 2 250
8281477777 50 25000 150 1 2500 8281482814 50 10000 150 1 1000
8281484848 50 5000 150 2 250
8281494949 50 5000 150 2 250
8281499999 50 50000 150 1 5000
8281500786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281501111 50 7000 150 2 350
8281501234 50 7000 150 1 350
8281501786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281502786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281503786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281504786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281505786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281506786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281507777 50 5000 150 2 250
8281507786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281508150 50 5000 150 3 250
8281508786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281509786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281509999 50 10000 150 2 1000
8281511111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8281522222 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281533333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281535353 50 5000 150 2 250
8281544444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281545454 50 5000 150 2 250
8281555222 50 5000 150 3 250
8281555444 50 5000 150 3 250
8281555777 50 5000 150 3 250
8281555888 50 5000 150 3 250
8281565656 50 5000 150 2 250
8281566666 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281567567 50 3000 150 3 150
8281575757 50 5000 150 2 250
8281577777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8281582815 50 10000 150 1 1000
8281582816 50 2000 150 3 100
8281585858 50 5000 150 2 250
8281588888 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281595959 50 5000 150 2 250
8281599999 50 50000 150 1 5000
8547800008 50 5000 150 2 250 8547801234 50 7000 150 1 350
8547809000 50 2000 150 3 100
8547809876 50 1000 150 3 100
8547811111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8547818181 50 5000 150 2 250
8547820000 50 4000 150 2 200
8547822222 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547823456 50 7000 150 1 350
8547828282 50 5000 150 2 250
8547830000 50 4000 150 2 200
8547833333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8547834567 50 7000 150 1 350
8547838383 50 5000 150 2 250
8547844444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547849999 50 10000 150 2 1000
8547864786 50 1000 150 1 100
8547866666 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547866668 50 5000 150 2 250
8547867890 50 7000 150 1 350
8547868686 50 5000 150 2 250
8547871111 50 7000 150 2 350
8547872222 50 4000 150 2 200
8547873333 50 5000 150 2 250
8547874444 50 4000 150 2 200
8547875555 50 5000 150 2 250
8547876666 50 4000 150 2 200
8547877777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8547878888 50 4000 150 2 200
8547879999 50 10000 150 2 1000
8547881111 50 7000 150 2 350
8547882222 50 4000 150 2 200
8547883333 50 5000 150 2 250
8547888222 50 5000 150 3 250
8547888333 50 5000 150 3 250
8547888666 50 5000 150 3 250
8547890000 50 4000 150 2 200
8547891111 50 7000 150 2 350
8547892222 50 4000 150 2 200
8547893333 50 5000 150 2 250
8547894444 50 4000 150 2 200
8547895555 50 5000 150 2 250 8547896666 50 4000 150 2 200
8547897777 50 5000 150 2 250
8547899999 50 50000 150 1 5000
8547900000 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547909000 50 2000 150 3 100
8547911111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8547912345 50 7000 150 1 350
8547922222 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547929292 50 5000 150 2 250
8547933333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8547939393 50 5000 150 2 250
8547944444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547949494 50 5000 150 2 250
8547955555 50 15000 150 1 1500
8547959595 50 5000 150 2 250
8547966666 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547969696 50 5000 150 2 250
8547970000 50 4000 150 2 200
8547971111 50 7000 150 2 350
8547972222 50 4000 150 2 200
8547973333 50 5000 150 2 250
8547974444 50 4000 150 2 200
8547975555 50 5000 150 2 250
8547976666 50 4000 150 2 200
8547977777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8547978888 50 4000 150 2 200
8547979797 50 5000 150 2 250
8547979999 50 10000 150 2 1000
8547985479 50 10000 150 1 1000
8547988888 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547989898 50 5000 150 2 250
8547991111 50 7000 150 2 350
8547992222 50 4000 150 2 200
8547993333 50 5000 150 2 250
8547994444 50 4000 150 2 200
8547995555 50 5000 150 2 250
8547996666 50 4000 150 2 200
8547999000 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999111 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999222 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999333 50 5000 150 3 250 8547999444 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999555 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999666 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999777 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999888 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999999 50 50000 150 1 5000
9496111111 50 22000 150 1 2200
9497111111 50 22000 150 1 2200
Mobile Vanity Numbers through Web & SMS
(The Auction will start from 00:00 hrs of 1.5.2014 and will end at 23:59 hrs of 10-5-2014)
1. Procedure Through SMS:
Send SMS REGVAN for normal Registration to 56666. Normal Registration will be charged @Rs.2/-.
To know the VANITY numbers list,
Eg: VLIST KL 11111 to 56666. Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS.
(A). To know the highest bid available for your choice number , send SMS CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit mobile
number to 56666.
Eg: CHOICE 8281077777 to 56666. Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS.
(B). To participate in bidding for a vanity/premium number send SMS CHOICE<SPACE><10 digit mobile
number><SPACE>Y to 56666.
Eg: CHOICE 8281077777 Y to 56666. (Rs.150/- will be charged for the above SMS. Now customer can
participate in bidding for the above registered number.)
(C). To bid for a Vanity number send SMS: CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit mobile number<SPACE> AMOUNT to
Eg:- CHOICE 8281077777 30000 to 56666.
(To bid for the mobile number 8281077777 at an amount Rs.30000/-)
Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS
2. Procedure through web: (Google chrome / Mozila browser required)
Visit and register (Initial registration is free)
Customer can register through “Login / Register” link – login with mobile number & e-mail
id – Customer will get Password via SMS & e-mail after successful registration.
Customer has to click “Login” by using received password and accept terms and conditions
to proceed further.
Note: Registration charge & incremental value are same as that for auction through
All payment should be done online.
After paying the registration charges, customer can bid for that particular number available in
“My Bid Status” menu.
The First Highest bidder H1 will receive a pin in his mobile number with which he can
approach the nearest CSC. The customer has to pay the bid amount and plan charges
and can take the connection within 5 working days of receipt of pin. If the first highest bidder fails to deposit the bid amount within 5 working daysof intimation
, pin will be sent to second highest bidder(H2) and as per Corporate Office letter No-
32-2/2012-13/S&M-CM/25 dtd 3/8/2012, the number shall be offered to the H2 bidder
at the same H1 price.
If the Second highest bidder fails to deposit the bid amount within 5 working days of
intimation, pin will be sent to third highest bidder(H3) and as per Corporate Office letter
No-32-2/2012-13/S&M-CM/25 dtd 3/8/2012, the number shall be offered to the H3
bidder at the same H1 price.
8281000222 50 5000 150 3 250
8281000333 50 5000 150 3 250
8281000444 50 5000 150 3 250
8281000555 50 5000 150 3 250
8281000666 50 5000 150 3 250
8281000777 50 5000 150 3 250
8281000999 50 5000 150 3 250
8281011111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8281020202 50 5000 150 2 250
8281022222 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281030303 50 5000 150 2 250
8281033333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281040404 50 5000 150 2 250
8281044444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281050505 50 5000 150 2 250
8281055555 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281060606 50 5000 150 2 250
8281070707 50 5000 150 2 250
8281077777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8281080808 50 5000 150 2 250
8281082810 50 10000 150 1 1000
8281090909 50 5000 150 2 250
8281099999 50 50000 150 1 5000
8281111444 50 5000 150 3 250
8281121212 50 5000 150 2 250
8281131313 50 5000 150 2 250
8281133333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281141414 50 5000 150 2 250
8281144444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281151515 50 5000 150 2 250
8281155555 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281161616 50 5000 150 2 250
8281166666 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281171717 50 5000 150 2 250
8281177777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8281181818 50 5000 150 2 250
8281188888 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281191919 50 5000 150 2 250
8281199999 50 50000 150 1 5000 8281211111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8281212121 50 5000 150 2 250
8281222111 50 5000 150 3 250
8281222444 50 5000 150 3 250
8281222555 50 5000 150 3 250
8281222666 50 5000 150 3 250
8281222777 50 5000 150 3 250
8281222888 50 5000 150 3 250
8281222999 50 5000 150 3 250
8281232323 50 5000 150 2 250
8281233333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281242424 50 5000 150 2 250
8281244444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281252525 50 5000 150 2 250
8281255555 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281262626 50 5000 150 2 250
8281272727 50 5000 150 2 250
8281277777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8281282812 50 10000 150 1 1000
8281282828 50 5000 150 2 250
8281288888 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281292929 50 5000 150 2 250
8281299999 50 50000 150 1 5000
8281311111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8281322222 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281323232 50 5000 150 2 250
8281333000 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333111 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333222 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333333 50 22000 150 1 2200
8281333555 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333666 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333777 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333888 50 5000 150 3 250
8281333999 50 5000 150 3 250
8281343434 50 5000 150 2 250
8281344444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281353535 50 5000 150 2 250
8281355555 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281363636 50 5000 150 2 250
8281366666 50 13000 150 1 1300 8281377777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8281382813 50 10000 150 1 1000
8281383838 50 5000 150 2 250
8281388888 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281399999 50 50000 150 1 5000
8281401111 50 7000 150 2 350
8281401234 50 7000 150 1 350
8281401786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281402786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281403786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281404142 50 5000 150 3 250
8281404786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281405786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281406786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281407777 50 5000 150 2 250
8281407786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281408140 50 5000 150 3 250
8281408786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281409786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281409999 50 10000 150 2 1000
8281411000 50 2000 150 3 100
8281411111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8281414141 50 5000 150 2 250
8281422222 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281424242 50 5000 150 2 250
8281433333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281434343 50 5000 150 2 250
8281444000 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444222 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444333 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444555 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444666 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444777 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444888 50 5000 150 3 250
8281444999 50 5000 150 3 250
8281454545 50 5000 150 2 250
8281456456 50 3000 150 3 250
8281464646 50 5000 150 2 250
8281466666 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281474747 50 5000 150 2 250
8281477777 50 25000 150 1 2500 8281482814 50 10000 150 1 1000
8281484848 50 5000 150 2 250
8281494949 50 5000 150 2 250
8281499999 50 50000 150 1 5000
8281500786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281501111 50 7000 150 2 350
8281501234 50 7000 150 1 350
8281501786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281502786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281503786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281504786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281505786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281506786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281507777 50 5000 150 2 250
8281507786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281508150 50 5000 150 3 250
8281508786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281509786 50 1000 150 3 100
8281509999 50 10000 150 2 1000
8281511111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8281522222 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281533333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8281535353 50 5000 150 2 250
8281544444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281545454 50 5000 150 2 250
8281555222 50 5000 150 3 250
8281555444 50 5000 150 3 250
8281555777 50 5000 150 3 250
8281555888 50 5000 150 3 250
8281565656 50 5000 150 2 250
8281566666 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281567567 50 3000 150 3 150
8281575757 50 5000 150 2 250
8281577777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8281582815 50 10000 150 1 1000
8281582816 50 2000 150 3 100
8281585858 50 5000 150 2 250
8281588888 50 13000 150 1 1300
8281595959 50 5000 150 2 250
8281599999 50 50000 150 1 5000
8547800008 50 5000 150 2 250 8547801234 50 7000 150 1 350
8547809000 50 2000 150 3 100
8547809876 50 1000 150 3 100
8547811111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8547818181 50 5000 150 2 250
8547820000 50 4000 150 2 200
8547822222 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547823456 50 7000 150 1 350
8547828282 50 5000 150 2 250
8547830000 50 4000 150 2 200
8547833333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8547834567 50 7000 150 1 350
8547838383 50 5000 150 2 250
8547844444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547849999 50 10000 150 2 1000
8547864786 50 1000 150 1 100
8547866666 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547866668 50 5000 150 2 250
8547867890 50 7000 150 1 350
8547868686 50 5000 150 2 250
8547871111 50 7000 150 2 350
8547872222 50 4000 150 2 200
8547873333 50 5000 150 2 250
8547874444 50 4000 150 2 200
8547875555 50 5000 150 2 250
8547876666 50 4000 150 2 200
8547877777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8547878888 50 4000 150 2 200
8547879999 50 10000 150 2 1000
8547881111 50 7000 150 2 350
8547882222 50 4000 150 2 200
8547883333 50 5000 150 2 250
8547888222 50 5000 150 3 250
8547888333 50 5000 150 3 250
8547888666 50 5000 150 3 250
8547890000 50 4000 150 2 200
8547891111 50 7000 150 2 350
8547892222 50 4000 150 2 200
8547893333 50 5000 150 2 250
8547894444 50 4000 150 2 200
8547895555 50 5000 150 2 250 8547896666 50 4000 150 2 200
8547897777 50 5000 150 2 250
8547899999 50 50000 150 1 5000
8547900000 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547909000 50 2000 150 3 100
8547911111 50 20000 150 1 2000
8547912345 50 7000 150 1 350
8547922222 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547929292 50 5000 150 2 250
8547933333 50 15000 150 1 1500
8547939393 50 5000 150 2 250
8547944444 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547949494 50 5000 150 2 250
8547955555 50 15000 150 1 1500
8547959595 50 5000 150 2 250
8547966666 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547969696 50 5000 150 2 250
8547970000 50 4000 150 2 200
8547971111 50 7000 150 2 350
8547972222 50 4000 150 2 200
8547973333 50 5000 150 2 250
8547974444 50 4000 150 2 200
8547975555 50 5000 150 2 250
8547976666 50 4000 150 2 200
8547977777 50 25000 150 1 2500
8547978888 50 4000 150 2 200
8547979797 50 5000 150 2 250
8547979999 50 10000 150 2 1000
8547985479 50 10000 150 1 1000
8547988888 50 13000 150 1 1300
8547989898 50 5000 150 2 250
8547991111 50 7000 150 2 350
8547992222 50 4000 150 2 200
8547993333 50 5000 150 2 250
8547994444 50 4000 150 2 200
8547995555 50 5000 150 2 250
8547996666 50 4000 150 2 200
8547999000 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999111 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999222 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999333 50 5000 150 3 250 8547999444 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999555 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999666 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999777 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999888 50 5000 150 3 250
8547999999 50 50000 150 1 5000
9496111111 50 22000 150 1 2200
9497111111 50 22000 150 1 2200
Mobile Vanity Numbers through Web & SMS
(The Auction will start from 00:00 hrs of 1.5.2014 and will end at 23:59 hrs of 10-5-2014)
1. Procedure Through SMS:
Send SMS REGVAN for normal Registration to 56666. Normal Registration will be charged @Rs.2/-.
To know the VANITY numbers list,
Eg: VLIST KL 11111 to 56666. Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS.
(A). To know the highest bid available for your choice number , send SMS CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit mobile
number to 56666.
Eg: CHOICE 8281077777 to 56666. Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS.
(B). To participate in bidding for a vanity/premium number send SMS CHOICE<SPACE><10 digit mobile
number><SPACE>Y to 56666.
Eg: CHOICE 8281077777 Y to 56666. (Rs.150/- will be charged for the above SMS. Now customer can
participate in bidding for the above registered number.)
(C). To bid for a Vanity number send SMS: CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit mobile number<SPACE> AMOUNT to
Eg:- CHOICE 8281077777 30000 to 56666.
(To bid for the mobile number 8281077777 at an amount Rs.30000/-)
Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS
2. Procedure through web: (Google chrome / Mozila browser required)
Visit and register (Initial registration is free)
Customer can register through “Login / Register” link – login with mobile number & e-mail
id – Customer will get Password via SMS & e-mail after successful registration.
Customer has to click “Login” by using received password and accept terms and conditions
to proceed further.
Note: Registration charge & incremental value are same as that for auction through
All payment should be done online.
After paying the registration charges, customer can bid for that particular number available in
“My Bid Status” menu.
The First Highest bidder H1 will receive a pin in his mobile number with which he can
approach the nearest CSC. The customer has to pay the bid amount and plan charges
and can take the connection within 5 working days of receipt of pin. If the first highest bidder fails to deposit the bid amount within 5 working daysof intimation
, pin will be sent to second highest bidder(H2) and as per Corporate Office letter No-
32-2/2012-13/S&M-CM/25 dtd 3/8/2012, the number shall be offered to the H2 bidder
at the same H1 price.
If the Second highest bidder fails to deposit the bid amount within 5 working days of
intimation, pin will be sent to third highest bidder(H3) and as per Corporate Office letter
No-32-2/2012-13/S&M-CM/25 dtd 3/8/2012, the number shall be offered to the H3
bidder at the same H1 price.
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