Special relief scheme 'SAMADHAAN' for settlement of disputes

Special relief scheme 'SAMADHAAN' for settlement of disputes in respect of BB usage bills for the benefit of existing and ex-customers of Broadband service of BSNL.
Option - I
A limited usage BB plan customer against whom one or more such alleged excessive bill/s is/are outstanding may under this option settle his bill/s to the extent of maximum three bills of three consecutive billing cycles as follows:
  • 1. Pay Rs. 750/-for excess usage (beyond the admissible limit as per plan) for first 5 GB per Bill and the remaining excess usage (if any) beyond 5 GB @ Rs. 100/-per GB or part thereof per bill. This settlement shall be applicable individually against each disputed bill.
  • 2. The relief mentioned at (1) above under this option can be availed of up to a maximum of three consecutive bills only i.e., the latest disputed bills and two immediately preceding bills, in case these two preceding bills too are disputed and unpaid.
  • 3. The above mentioned relief shall be allowed to the customer, if the customer simultaneously chooses a BB Plan at least BBG 375 or any other higher Plan (in terms of FMC). Such customers have to commit to remain in the BB Plan so chosen for a period of twelve months after the aforesaid settlement, by payment of eleven months FMC as annual Payment in advance.
Option - II
Under this option the customer can settle his disputed bill/s as follows:
  • 1. The limited usage BB plan customer may choose any limited usage Broadband Plan of higher FMC. The customer's disputed bills under the earlier plan may be settled as per the chosen New Limited Usage Plan. In case the free usage in the chosen plan is less than the total usage in each of the disputed bills, the remaining usage against each such bill may be settled as per the existing usage charges per MB prescribed in the chosen plan. The remaining usage charges so calculated may be collected in 12 equal monthly installments, if customer desires.
  • 2. The above relief shall be applicable to customer only if the customer commits to remain in the chosen limited Plan for a period of twelve months after the aforesaid settlement, by payment of eleven months FMC as annual Payment in advance.
  • 3. The relief mentioned at (1) above under this option shall be applicable uniformly up to three consecutive bills only i.e., the latest disputed bills and two immediately preceding bills, in case these two preceding bills too are disputed and unpaid.
Option - III
  • 1. The limited usage BB plan customer can select any of the following Unlimited Plans to get corresponding rebate on the excess usage of his/her disputed bill/s.
    Plan NameSpeedRebate (in GB)Extra usage charges (per GB or part thereof) beyond the rebate in each disputed bills
    BBG UL 545512 Kbps flat5 GBRs. 125/
    BBG Combo UL 675512 Kbps flat5 GBRs. 125/
    BBG Combo ULD 8451 Mbps upto 6 GB, 512 Kbps beyond 6 GB8 GBRs. 100/
    BBG Combo ULD 9994 Mbps upto 8 GB, 512 Kbps beyond 8 GB10 GBRs. 100/
    BBG Combo ULD 14452 Mbps upto 20 GB, 1 Mbps beyond 20 GB16 GBRs. 75/
    BBG Combo ULD 18002 Mbps upto 40 GB, 512 Kbps beyond 40 GB22 GBRs. 75/
    BBG Combo UL 22501 Mbps upto 100 GB, 512 Kbps beyond 100 GB30 GBRs. 65/
    BBG Combo ULD 27994 Mbps upto 30 GB, 2 Mbps beyond 30 GB40 GBRs. 65/
    BBG Combo ULD 35002 Mbps upto 150 GB, 512 Kbps beyond 150 GB60 GBRs. 65/
    BBG Combo ULD 63004 Mbps upto 200 GB, 1 Mbps beyond 200 GB120 GBRs. 65/
  • 2. The plan selected by the customer under this option should be of same/higher FMC than the plan availed by the customer in exiting disputed bill.
  • 3. The relief mentioned at (1) above under this option shall be applicable uniformly up to three consecutive bills only i.e., the latest disputed bills and two immediately preceding bills, in case these two preceding bills too are disputed and unpaid.
  • 4. The above relief shall be applicable to customer only if the customer commits to remain in the chosen plan for a period of twelve months after the aforesaid settlement, by payment of eleven months FMC as Annual payment in advance.
Option - IV
  • 1. In case where the limited usage BB plan customer does not want to give any commitment for the future, he may be given the option to settle his disputed bills by allowing him to pay excess usage as follows:
    a) Payment for FMC: as per earlier plan
    b) Payment of excess usage beyond free limit shall be @
    • Rs 1000/-up to first 5 GB
    • Rs 200/-per GB for every additional GB or part thereof beyond 5 GB up to 10 GB
    • Rs. 100/-per GB for every additional GB or part thereof beyond 10 GB
  • 2. The customer can avail any plan thereafter.
  • 3. The relief mentioned at (1) above under this option shall be applicable uniformly up to three consecutive bills only i.e., the latest disputed bills and two immediately preceding bills, in case these two preceding bills too are disputed and unpaid.

Other Terms and Conditions

  • 1. The scheme is valid up to 31st October 2015, only for those limited usage BB plan customers who have disputed unpaid BB bills till 31st March 2015.
  • 2. A customer can avail any of the options in the above mentioned scheme only once in lifetime on a particular connection.
  • 3. Plan chosen under relief scheme shall be applicable only for all the disputed bills and the future committed period. No past undisputed bill shall be settled through this scheme.
  • 4. Amount of relief/rebate granted under this scheme shall be for basic usage amount only and not in respect of service tax thereon, already paid to concerned authorities on billed amount.
  • 5. Any hitherto regretted case & disconnected for non-payment, which could have been settled on the basis of options of this concession scheme may also be considered for settlement under the scheme, if the customer makes an appeal.
  • 6. In case a customer is already disconnected and wants to avail any of the options of the above scheme, he shall not be charged any reconnection/installation fee and Fixed monthly charges for the intervening period i.e., from the date of disconnection of BB connection up to the date of reconnection.
  • 7. Disconnected BB connections under the scheme shall be reconnected on customer's request after receipt of payment through different settlement options indicated above and clearance of outstanding bills against related landline connection.
  • 8. The bills relating to landline connection, outstanding if any shall be paid by the customer as required under existing instructions for restoration of disconnected b-fone connections.
  • 9. The customer should be asked to give his Mobile number (if not provided already) on which usage alerts can be sent in future. He may also be advised to keep a check on his usage by checking the selfcare portal showing the customer log details and should keep watch on the pop-up alerts on the screen.

MAHARASHTRA TELECOM CIRCLE UNLIMTED FREE CALLING DURING NIGHT HOURS i.e. (9 PM to 7 AM) on any network within India w.e.f. 01.05.2015.

BSNL KERALA CDMA E-auction 1/2015-16 (4th May to 10th May 2015 )

CDMA E-auction 1/2015-16 (4th May to 10th May 2015 ) Sl No CDMA No. Base Value Registration Amt Incremental value 1 9188000010 2000 150 100 2 9188000011 2000 150 100 3 9188000017 2000 150 100 4 9188000019 2000 150 100 5 9188000020 2000 150 100 6 9188000028 2000 150 100 7 9188000029 2000 150 100 8 9188000030 2000 150 100 9 9188000031 2000 150 100 10 9188000034 2000 150 100 11 9188000036 2000 150 100 12 9188000037 2000 150 100 13 9188000038 2000 150 100 14 9188000040 2000 150 100 15 9188000041 2000 150 100 16 9188000043 2000 150 100 17 9188000044 2000 150 100 18 9188000045 2000 150 100 19 9188000049 2000 150 100 20 9188000051 2000 150 100 21 9188000055 2000 150 100 22 9188000058 2000 150 100 23 9188000059 2000 150 100 24 9188000060 2000 150 100 25 9188000062 2000 150 100 26 9188000064 2000 150 100 27 9188000066 2000 150 100 28 9188000069 2000 150 100 29 9188000070 2000 150 100 30 9188000073 2000 150 100 31 9188000074 2000 150 100 32 9188000075 2000 150 100 33 9188000076 2000 150 100 34 9188000077 2000 150 100 35 9188000078 2000 150 100 36 9188000079 2000 150 100 37 9188000081 2000 150 100 38 9188000082 2000 150 100 39 9188000083 2000 150 100 40 9188000084 2000 150 100 41 9188000085 2000 150 100 42 9188000087 2000 150 100 43 9188000089 2000 150 100 44 9188000090 2000 150 100 45 9188000091 2000 150 100 46 9188000092 2000 150 100 47 9188000093 2000 150 100 48 9188000094 2000 150 100 49 9188000095 2000 150 100 50 9188000096 2000 150 100 51 9188000097 2000 150 100 52 9188000098 2000 150 100 53 9188000099 2000 150 100 54 9188000123 4000 150 200 55 9188000202 2000 150 100 56 9188000222 4000 150 200 57 9188000300 2000 150 100 58 9188000303 2000 150 100 59 9188000313 1000 150 50 60 9188000333 4000 150 200 61 9188000404 2000 150 100 62 9188000444 4000 150 200 63 9188000505 2000 150 100 64 9188000555 4000 150 200 65 9188000606 2000 150 100 66 9188000707 2000 150 100 67 9188000786 2000 150 100 68 9188000800 3000 150 150 69 9188000808 3000 150 150 70 9188000888 5000 150 250 71 9188000909 2000 150 100 72 9188000916 2000 150 100 73 9188001000 2000 150 100 74 9188001001 3000 150 150 75 9188001100 5000 150 250 76 9188211111 20000 150 2000 77 9188211211 3000 150 150 78 9188212121 5000 150 250 79 9188212212 3000 150 150 80 9188212222 4000 150 200 81 9188212345 7000 150 350 82 9188213213 3000 150 150 83 9188213333 5000 150 250 84 9188214214 3000 150 150 85 9188214444 4000 150 200 86 9188215215 3000 150 150 87 9188215555 5000 150 250 88 9188216216 3000 150 150 89 9188216666 4000 150 200 90 9188217217 3000 150 150 91 9188217777 5000 150 250 92 9188218218 3000 150 150 93 9188218821 5000 150 250 94 9188218888 4000 150 200 95 9188219219 3000 150 150 96 9188219999 10000 150 1000 97 9188220088 5000 150 250 98 9188220099 5000 150 250 99 9188220123 4000 150 200 100 9188220220 3000 150 150 101 9188220222 2000 150 100 102 9188221000 2000 150 100 103 9188221100 5000 150 250 104 9188221111 7000 150 350 105 9188440000 5000 150 250 106 9188440011 5000 150 250 107 9188440022 5000 150 250 108 9188440033 5000 150 250 109 9188440044 5000 150 250 110 9188440055 5000 150 250 111 9188440066 5000 150 250 112 9188440077 5000 150 250 113 9188440088 5000 150 250 114 9188440099 5000 150 250 115 9188770011 5000 150 250 116 9188770022 5000 150 250 117 9188770033 5000 150 250 118 9188770044 5000 150 250 119 9188770055 5000 150 250 120 9188770066 5000 150 250 121 9188770077 5000 150 250 122 9188770088 5000 150 250 123 9188770099 5000 150 250 124 9188800801 5000 150 250 125 9188800999 5000 150 250 126 9188808881 5000 150 250 127 9188808882 5000 150 250 128 9188808883 5000 150 250 129 9188808884 5000 150 250 130 9188808885 5000 150 250 131 9188808886 5000 150 250 132 9188808887 5000 150 250 133 9188808888 7000 150 350 134 9188808889 5000 150 250 135 9188818880 4000 150 200 136 9188818883 4000 150 200 137 9188818884 4000 150 200 138 9188818885 4000 150 200 139 9188818886 4000 150 200 140 9188818887 4000 150 200 141 9188818889 4000 150 200
CDMA RUIM Vanity Numbers through Web & SMS
(The Auction will start from 00:00 hrs of 04.05.2015. and will end at 23:59 hrs of 10.05.2015)
 To register, customer has to access the site http://eauction.bsnl.co.in, portal registration
is free
 The customer can select the number of his choice and proceed for registration of the same
by paying non-refundable fee of Rs. 150/ (Rupees One hundred fifty only) which will be
charged as registration Fee for each vanity number. The Registration fee will be deducted
from the talk balance of Pre-Paid customers and will be included in the next bill of the
postpaid customers.
1. Procedure Through SMS:
*** Bidding of CDMA numbers through SMS can be done from BSNL GSM numbers only.
Send SMS REGVAN for normal Registration to 56666. Normal Registration will be charged @Rs.3/-.
To know the VANITY numbers list,
Eg: VLIST KL 11111 to 56666. Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS.
(A). To know the highest bid available for your choice number , send SMS CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit
mobile number to 56666.
Eg: CHOICE 9495111111 to 56666. Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS.
(B). To participate in bidding for a vanity/premium number send SMS CHOICE<SPACE><10 digit mobile
number><SPACE>Y to 56666.
Eg: CHOICE 9495111111 Y to 56666. (Rs.150/- will be charged for the above SMS. Now customer can
participate in bidding for the above registered number.)
(C). To bid for a Vanity number send SMS: CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit mobile number<SPACE>
AMOUNT to 56666.
Eg:- CHOICE 9495111111 22000 to 56666.
(To bid for the mobile number 9495111111 at an amount Rs.22000/-)
Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS
2. Procedure through web: (Google chrome / Mozila browser required)
 Visit http://eauction.bsnl.co.in and register (Initial registration is free)
 Customer can register through “Login / Register” link – login with mobile number & e-mail id –
Customer will get Password via SMS & e-mail after successful registration.
 Customer has to click “Login” by using received password and accept terms and conditions to
proceed further.
 Note: Registration charge & incremental value are same as that for auction through
 All payment should be done online.
 After paying the registration charges, customer can bid for that particular number available in
 “My Bid Status” menu.
 The First Highest bidder H1 will receive a pin in his mobile number with which he can
approach the nearest CSC. The customer has to pay the bid amount and plan charges and
can take the connection within 5 working days of receipt of pin.
 If the first highest bidder fails to deposit the bid amount within 5 working days of intimation ,
pin will be sent to second highest bidder(H2) and as per Corporate Office letter No-32-
2/2012-13/S&M-CM/25 dtd 3/8/2012, the number shall be offered to the H2 bidder at the
same H1 price.
 If the Second highest bidder fails to deposit the bid amount within 5 working days of
intimation, pin will be sent to third highest bidder(H3) and as per Corporate Office letter No-
32-2/2012-13/S&M-CM/25 dtd 3/8/2012, the number shall be offered to the H3 bidder at

the same H1 price.

bsnl kerala Rationalization of Balance Based Tariff- Per Minute Plan Customers

Rationalization of Balance Based Tariff- Per Minute Plan Customers

Balance Based Tariff:
Voice Call Charges
from Home Network
Account Balance
More than Rs. 2000
Account Balance
More than Rs. 3500
Account Balance More
than Rs. 6000
Local On-net Rs.0.50/Min Rs.0.30/Min Rs.0.20/Min
Local Off-net Rs.0.50/Min Rs.0.45/Min Rs.0.40/Min
STD On-net Rs.0.55/Min Rs.0.50/Min Rs.0.45/Min
STD Off-net Rs.0.55/Min Rs.0.50/Min Rs.0.45/Min
1. If customers are having volume based Voice STVs /Rate cutter STVs the
charges will be as per the STV.
2. Any switch over between the balance slabs when call is in progress, will take

place only after completion of 3 minutes.
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