BSNL Kerala Eauction of GSM fancy numbers start from 22nd September to 30th September 2014

List of GSM Vanity Numbers- E auction from 22.09.2014 to 30.09.2014
GSM No. Base Value Registration
amount Incremental value
8281011111 20000 150 2000
8281020202 5000 150 250
8281022222 13000 150 1300
8281030303 5000 150 250
8281033333 15000 150 1500
8281044444 13000 150 1300
8281050505 5000 150 250
8281055555 15000 150 1500
8281060606 5000 150 250
8281070707 5000 150 250
8281077777 25000 150 2500
8281082810 10000 150 1000
8281090909 5000 150 250
8281099999 50000 150 5000
8281131313 5000 150 250
8281133333 15000 150 1500
8281141414 5000 150 250
8281144444 13000 150 1300
8281155555 15000 150 1500
8281161616 5000 150 250
8281166666 13000 150 1300
8281171717 5000 150 250
8281177777 25000 150 2500
8281181818 5000 150 250
8289818181 5000 150 250
8289818283 5000 150 250
8289822222 13000 150 1300
8289828282 5000 150 250
8289828384 5000 150 250
8289833333 15000 150 1500
8289838383 5000 150 250
8289838485 5000 150 250
8289844444 13000 150 1300
8289848484 5000 150 250
8289848586 5000 150 250
8289855555 15000 150 1500
8289858585 5000 150 250
8289858687 5000 150 250
8289866666 13000 150 1300
8289868686 5000 150 250
8289868788 5000 150 250
8289877777 25000 150 2500
8289878787 5000 150 2508289878889 5000 150 250
8289880011 5000 150 250
8289880022 5000 150 250
8289880033 5000 150 250
8289880044 5000 150 250
8289880055 5000 150 250
8289880066 5000 150 250
8289880088 5000 150 250
8289880099 5000 150 250
8301000000 20000 150 2000
8301000123 4000 150 200
8301000301 4000 150 200
8301003010 4000 150 200
8301008301 4000 150 200
8301010101 7000 150 350
8301011111 20000 150 2000
8301012345 10000 150 1000
8301013010 3000 150 150
8301018301 3000 150 150
8301020202 5000 150 250
8301020304 7000 150 350
8301022222 13000 150 1300
8301023010 3000 150 150
8301028301 3000 150 150
8301030303 5000 150 250
8301033010 3000 150 150
8301033333 15000 150 1500
8301038301 3000 150 150
8301040404 5000 150 250
8301043010 3000 150 150
8301044444 13000 150 1300
9496111111 22000 150 2200
9497111111 22000 150 2200
8289882898 10000 150 1000
8289888111 5000 150 250
8289888222 5000 150 250
8289888333 5000 150 250
8289888444 5000 150 250
8289888555 5000 150 250
8289888666 5000 150 250
8289888777 5000 150 250
8289888880 5000 150 250
8289888881 5000 150 250
8289888882 5000 150 250
8289888883 5000 150 250
8289888884 5000 150 250
8289888885 5000 150 2508289888886 5000 150 250
8289888887 5000 150 250
8289888889 5000 150 250
8289888990 5000 150 250
8289898989 7000 150 350
8289899999 50000 150 5000
8289900000 13000 150 1300
8289900900 3000 150 150
8289901111 7000 150 350
8289901234 7000 150 350
8289901786 2000 150 100
8289902786 2000 150 100
8289903786 2000 150 100
8289904786 2000 150 100
8289905786 2000 150 100
8289906786 2000 150 100
8289907777 5000 150 250
8289907786 2000 150 100
8289908786 2000 150 100
8289909090 5000 150 250

Mobile Vanity Numbers through Web & SMS
(The Auction will start from 00:00 hrs of 22-09-2014 and will end at 23:59 hrs of 30-09-2014)
 To register, customer has to access the site, portal registration
is free
 The customer can select the number of his choice and proceed for registration of the same
by paying non-refundable fee of Rs. 150/ (Rupees One hundred fifty only) which will be
charged as registration Fee for each vanity number. The Registration fee will be deducted
from the talk balance of Pre-Paid customers and will be included in the next bill of the
postpaid customers.
1. Procedure Through SMS:
Send SMS REGVAN for normal Registration to 56666. Normal Registration will be charged @Rs.3/-.
To know the VANITY numbers list,
Eg: VLIST KL 11111 to 56666. Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS.
(A). To know the highest bid available for your choice number , send SMS CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit
mobile number to 56666.
Eg: CHOICE 9495111111 to 56666. Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS.
(B). To participate in bidding for a vanity/premium number send SMS CHOICE<SPACE><10 digit mobile
number><SPACE>Y to 56666.
Eg: CHOICE 9495111111 Y to 56666. (Rs.150/- will be charged for the above SMS. Now customer can
participate in bidding for the above registered number.)
(C). To bid for a Vanity number send SMS: CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit mobile number<SPACE>
AMOUNT to 56666.
Eg:- CHOICE 9495111111 22000 to 56666.
(To bid for the mobile number 9495111111 at an amount Rs.22000/-)
Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS 2. Procedure through web: (Google chrome / Mozila browser required)
 Visit and register (Initial registration is free)
 Customer can register through “Login / Register” link – login with mobile number & e-mail id –
Customer will get Password via SMS & e-mail after successful registration.
 Customer has to click “Login” by using received password and accept terms and conditions to
proceed further.
 Note: Registration charge & incremental value are same as that for auction through
 All payment should be done online.
 After paying the registration charges, customer can bid for that particular number available in
 “My Bid Status” menu.
 The First Highest bidder H1 will receive a pin in his mobile number with which he can
approach the nearest CSC. The customer has to pay the bid amount and plan charges and
can take the connection within 5 working days of receipt of pin.
 If the first highest bidder fails to deposit the bid amount within 5 working days of intimation ,
pin will be sent to second highest bidder(H2) and as per Corporate Office letter No-32-
2/2012-13/S&M-CM/25 dtd 3/8/2012, the number shall be offered to the H2 bidder at the
same H1 price.
 If the Second highest bidder fails to deposit the bid amount within 5 working days of
intimation, pin will be sent to third highest bidder(H3) and as per Corporate Office letter No-
32-2/2012-13/S&M-CM/25 dtd 3/8/2012, the number shall be offered to the H3 bidder at
the same H1 price.

BSNL Promotional scheme under GSM services

    Free SIM in reference to 'Jan-Dhan Yojna'

  • Free SIM (32K/64K) will be offered to Account Holders in the Nationalized Bank under Prime Minister's "JAN-DHAN YOJNA" scheme.
  • This offer will be applicable for a limited period of 90 days w.e.f. 08.09.2014 .
  • Reduction of tariff of video calls

  • The video call charges would be reduced up to voice call charges of the plan only.
  • However, reduced voice call charges through STVs will not reduce video call charges further.
  • This tariff will be applicable for a limited period of 90 days w.e.f. 20.09.2014.
  • Full usage value & 10% extra

  • Full usage value equal to MRP on Top-up vouchers/C-top-up/Flexi top-up with MRP of Rs. 100 to Rs. 499 under GSM services.
  • 10% extra on Top-up vouchers/C-top-up/Flexi top-up with MRP from Rs.500 to Rs.2999 under GSM services.
  • This offer is applicable for a limited period of 90 days from 24/07/2014 to 21/10/2014.

BSNL Calcutta Free SIM in reference to 'Jan-Dhan Yojna' & promotional offers

BSNL Calcutta Telephones has introduced the following promotional offers under GSM services on the occasion of Festive Season.

    Free SIM in reference to 'Jan-Dhan Yojna'

  • Free SIM (32K/64K) will be offered to Account Holders in the Nationalized Bank under Prime Minister's "JAN-DHAN YOJNA" scheme.
  • This offer will be applicable for a limited period of 90 days w.e.f. 08.09.2014 .
  • Reduction of tariff of video calls

  • The video call charges would be reduced up to voice call charges of the plan only.
  • However, reduced voice call charges through STVs will not reduce video call charges further.
  • This tariff will be applicable for a limited period of 90 days w.e.f. 20.09.2014.
  • Full usage value & 10% extra

  • Full usage value equal to MRP on Top-up vouchers/C-top-up/Flexi top-up with MRP of Rs. 100 to Rs. 499 under GSM services.
  • 10% extra on Top-up vouchers/C-top-up/Flexi top-up with MRP from Rs.500 to Rs.2999 under GSM services.
  • This offer is applicable for a limited period of 90 days from 24/07/2014 to 21/10/2014.

BSNL Madyapradesh New Roam Free Combo STV with Bundled Voice, SMS & DATA

The special feature in this combo STV is, all freebies are applicable in Home and Roaming
areas across India. With the introduction of this new combo STV, customers who travel
frequently, can be in contact with their beloved ones by using Free Voice Call / SMS / Data
along with free Incoming calls during national Roaming at affordable monthly charges.
Particulars Tariff of Combo STV 177

MRP of STV with S.Tax

30 days

Bundled Free Details
Voice Calls - 200 minutes Any net
SMS – 100 SMS Any net
Data – 350MB
(Applicable in Home & Roaming areas)

Incoming Calls on
Roaming FREE

For details Call 18001801503
New Roam Free Combo STV with
Bundled Voice, SMS & DATA 
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