BSNL rajasthan Get Full Usage Value equal to MRP Top UP of Rs.100 to Rs.199/- w.e.f 11 April 204 to 25 April 2014

Get Full Usage Value equal to MRP on GSM Top Voucher/CTOP UP/Flexi Top UP of Rs.100 to Rs.199/- w.e.f 11 April 204 to 25 April 2014

Full usage value equal to MRP on Top-ups with MRP Rs. 100 to Rs. 190 BSNL Chennai 10-04-2014 to 24-04-2014

Full usage value equal to MRP on Top-ups with MRP Rs. 100 to Rs. 190
    BSNL Chennai Telephones is happy to convey full usage value equal to MRP on Top-ups with MRP Rs 100 to Rs. 190 on Top-up vouchers / C-Top-ups/Flexi Top-ups in Chennai Telephones under 2G & 3G prepaid Mobile services for 15 days from 10-04-2014 to 24-04-2014
The details are given below:- 

The promotional offer is
Full usage Value equal to MRP on top-up Voucher/C-top-up/ Flexi top-up with MRP of Rs. 100 to Rs. 190
Period of Offer

10-04-2014 to 24-04-2014

Applicable for
TOP-UP of MRP Rs.100 to Rs.190 in  top-up voucher/C-TOP-UP/Flexi TOP-UP in Chennai Telecom District.

 Note: Wherever, the usage value offered with top-up voucher is more than the MRP, the higher usage value already offered will prevail               

BSNL Hikes Tariffs of Select Broadband Unlimited Plans wef 01-05-2014

After announcing tariff hikes across limited data usage plans, BSNL is now working towards increasing tariffs for Unlimited and Unlimited Differential Speed Plans. The below plan changeswill be effected from 01 May 2014.
bb home 950
Customers on BB Home Rural Combo ULD 500 will have to pay additional Rs. 50 per month now. A positive thing here is, there won’t be any differential speed after usage of 6 GB. Earlier the speed was capped to 256 kbps after that limit. Now it would be 512 kbps flat and the plan name will be changed to BB Home Rural Combo UL 550. Customers on BB Home Combo ULD 950 are not as lucky. They will be paying Rs. 999 with no other changes!
bb home
It appears to us that this BSNL will soon revise other plans in a similar way.

BSNL Chennai Full & 10 % Extra usage value equal to MRP on TopUps with MRP Rs.200 to 990 & 1000 to 2990

Full & 10 % Extra usage value equal to MRP on TopUps with MRP Rs.200 to 990 & 1000 to 2990
It is hereby conveyed for the full usage value equal to MRP on TopUps with MRP Rs.200 to Rs.990 in multiples of 10 and 10% Extra usage value equal to MRP on TopUps with MRP Rs.1000 to Rs.2990  on GSM Top-up Voucher/C TOP-UP/Flexi TOP-UP in Chennai Telephones (incl. Tamil Nadu Circle) in 2G & 3G prepaid Mobile services for 30 days from
01-04-2014 to 30-04-2014
The details are given below:-

The promotional offer is
1.      Full usage Value equal to MRP on Top-up Voucher/C TOP-UP/Flexi TOP-UP with MRP of Rs. 200 to Rs.990 in multiples of 10.
2.      10% Extra usage Value equal to MRP on Top-up Voucher/C TOP-UP/Flexi TOP-UP with MRP of Rs. 1000 to Rs.2990

Period of Offer
01-04-2014 to 30-04-2014

Applicable for
TOP-UP of MRP Rs.200 to Rs.990 in multiples of 10 and TU of MRP Rs.1000 to 2990 in multiples of 10 on TOP-UP Voucher/C-TOP-UP/Flexi TOP-UP for Chennai Telephones and Tamil Nadu Circle. 
 Note:Wherever, the usage value offered with top-up voucher is more than the MRP, the higher usage value already offered will prevail. Talk values offered is enclosed in Annexure.          

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