BSNL AP Telecom Circle offers 20% extra usage Value


 BSNL AP Telecom Circle offers 20% extra usage Value on MRP
on Top up / Ctop up vouchers of MRP Rs.5000/- and above upto Rs.
10,000/-(In multiples of Rs.100/-) .

This offer is available w.e.f 11th Jan.2014 upto 31st Jan.2014 .

All the subscribers are requested to avail this offer .

For any queries, dial 1503 customer care please.

BSNL MAHARASHTRA Black out days for the Calendar Year 2014

The list of “Black out days for the Calendar Year 2014” are furnished below in which
concessional voice call/SMS will not be available to customers

1) Holi – 16th
 March 2014.
2) Pre-Diwali Day – 22nd
 October 2014.
3) Diwali – 23
 October 2014.
4) New Year Eve - 31st Dec 2014.
5) New Year Day - 1st Jan 2015.

During these days voice/SMS will be charged as per Plan tariff of the customer. Concessional
voice call/SMS will not be available to custome

AUCTION OF CDMA RUIM Vanity Numbers through Web & SMS from 20-01-2014 and will end at 23:59 hrs of 31-01-2014

CDMA 6th e-Auction Bid Nos. ( 20-01-2014 to 31-01-2014)

Sl No CDMA Nos Base value
1 9188011111 20000 150 2000
2 9188033333 15000 150 1500
3 9188077777 15000 150 1500
4 9188088088 10000 150 1000
5 9188088880 10000 150 1000
6 9188049999 10000 150 1000
7 9188059999 10000 150 1000
8 9188002222 7000 150 350
9 9188034567 7000 150 350
10 9188000080 5000 150 250
11 9188000808 5000 150 250
12 9188001133 5000 150 250
13 9188001144 5000 150 250
14 9188001155 5000 150 250
15 9188001166 5000 150 250
16 9188001177 5000 150 250
17 9188001199 5000 150 250
18 9188002233 5000 150 250
19 9188002244 5000 150 250
20 9188002255 5000 150 250
21 9188002266 5000 150 250
22 9188002277 5000 150 250
23 9188002288 5000 150 250
24 9188002299 5000 150 250
25 9188003311 5000 150 250
26 9188003322 5000 150 250
27 9188003344 5000 150 250
28 9188003355 5000 150 250
29 9188003366 5000 150 250
30 9188003377 5000 150 250
31 9188008000 5000 150 250 32 9188008080 5000 150 250
33 9188010101 5000 150 250
34 9188027777 5000 150 250
35 9188037777 5000 150 250
36 9188050505 5000 150 250
37 9188088881 5000 150 250
38 9188088882 5000 150 250
39 9188088884 5000 150 250
40 9188088885 5000 150 250
41 9188088886 5000 150 250
42 9188088887 5000 150 250
43 9188000123 4000 150 200
44 9188000777 4000 150 200
45 9188008888 4000 150 200
46 9188010000 4000 150 200
47 9188020000 4000 150 200
48 9188020202 4000 150 200
49 9188038888 4000 150 200
50 9188060000 4000 150 200
51 9188000090 3000 150 150
52 9188002002 3000 150 150
53 9188010010 3000 150 150
54 9188011011 3000 150 150
55 9188020020 3000 150 150
56 9188033033 3000 150 150
57 9188038038 3000 150 150
58 9188060060 3000 150 150
59 9188002000 3000 150 150
60 9188011000 3000 150 150
61 9188033000 3000 150 150
62 9188033300 1000 150 100
63 9188033388 1000 150 100
64 9188000707 1000 150 100
65 9188000786 1000 150 100
CDMA RUIM Vanity Numbers through Web & SMS
(The Auction will start from 00:00 hrs of 20-01-2014 and will end at 23:59 hrs of 31-01-2014)

 To register, customer has to access the site, portal registration
is free
 The customer can select the number of his choice and proceed for registration of the same
by paying non-refundable fee of Rs. 150/ (Rupees One hundred fifty only) which will be
charged as registration Fee for each vanity number. The Registration fee will be deducted
from the talk balance of Pre-Paid customers and will be included in the next bill of the
postpaid customers.

1. Procedure Through SMS:
*** Bidding of CDMA numbers through SMS can be done from BSNL GSM numbers only.

Send SMS REGVAN for normal Registration to 56666. Normal Registration will be charged @Rs.2/-.

To know the VANITY numbers list,
Eg: VLIST KL 11111 to 56666. Rs.2/- will be charged for the above SMS.

(A). To know the highest bid available for your choice number , send SMS CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit
mobile number to 56666.
Eg: CHOICE 9495111111 to 56666. Rs.2/- will be charged for the above SMS.

(B). To participate in bidding for a vanity/premium number send SMS CHOICE<SPACE><10 digit mobile
number><SPACE>Y to 56666.
Eg: CHOICE 9495111111 Y to 56666. (Rs.150/- will be charged for the above SMS. Now customer can
participate in bidding for the above registered number.)

(C). To bid for a Vanity number send SMS: CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit mobile number<SPACE>
AMOUNT to 56666.
Eg:- CHOICE 9495111111 22000 to 56666.
(To bid for the mobile number 9495111111 at an amount Rs.22000/-)
Rs.2/- will be charged for the above SMS
 2. Procedure through web: (Google chrome / Mozila browser required)
 Visit and register (Initial registration is free)
 Customer can register through “Login / Register” link – login with mobile number & e-mail id –
Customer will get Password via SMS & e-mail after successful registration.
 Customer has to click “Login” by using received password and accept terms and conditions to
proceed further.
 Note: Registration charge & incremental value are same as that for auction through
 All payment should be done online.
 After paying the registration charges, customer can bid for that particular number available in
 “My Bid Status” menu.

 The First Highest bidder H1 will receive a pin in his mobile number with which he can
approach the nearest CSC. The customer has to pay the bid amount and plan charges and
can take the connection within 5 working days of receipt of pin.
 If the first highest bidder fails to deposit the bid amount within 5 working daysof intimation ,
pin will be sent to second highest bidder(H2) and as per Corporate Office letter No-32-
2/2012-13/S&M-CM/25 dtd 3/8/2012, the number shall be offered to the H2 bidder at the
same H1 price.

 If the Second highest bidder fails to deposit the bid amount within 5 working days of
intimation, pin will be sent to third highest bidder(H3) and as per Corporate Office letter No-
32-2/2012-13/S&M-CM/25 dtd 3/8/2012, the number shall be offered to the H3 bidder at
the same H1 price.

BSNL Balance Based Tariff Usage Based Bonus (UBB)

Balance Based Tariff:
Voice Call Charges from Home NetworkAccount Balance More than Rs. 1000Account Balance More than Rs. 2500Account Balance More than Rs. 5000
Local On-netRs.0.40/MinRs.0.30/MinRs.0.20/Min
Local Off-netRs.0.50/MinRs.0.45/MinRs.0.40/Min
STD On-net Rs.0.55/MinRs.0.50/MinRs.0.45/Min
STD Off-netRs.0.55/MinRs.0.50/MinRs.0.45/Min
1. The BBT facility is applicable to Saral Anant, Per Minute plan and  General  plan customers.
2. The BBT facility is not to be applicable to Per sec plan, Pyari Jodi, Student Special, Jai Jawan , Roam Free plan,RTP Plan ,RTP-FR Plan customers.
Usage Based Bonus (UBB):
A - i) Actual usage during a month (30 days) is Rs. 500 or More will get a Bonus of Rs 100.
ii) The bonus will be automatically credited to customers account followed by SMS to this effect . •  This scheme is applicable to all prepaid plan holders.
B )   i) Actual usage during the last six months is Rs 2000 or more will get a bonus of 10% of his actual usage 
ii) The period of Six months will start from the date of implementation of the plan in the Circle
iii) The bonus will be automatically credited to customers account followed by SMS to this effect.
NOTE: A customer will be offered either of the UBB scheme as mentioned above
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