Holi Festival offer -10% Extra Usage Value on Top
Up Denominations costing Rs.1100, Rs.3300 &
Rs.5500 in Karnataka Circle w.e.f.25-03-2013 to
Karnataka Circle has announced 10% Extra
Usage Value on Top Up Denominations costing
Rs.1100 , Rs.3300 & Rs.5500 on account of Holi
Festival w.e.f. 25-03-2013 to 31-03-2013 for 7
days .The extra usage value is applicable for the
above denominations through C Top Up and for
Physical Vouchers if any also . The details are as
indicated below.
MRP of Top Up
10% Extra
Usage Value
2013 to
existing new
1. Rs. 1100. Rs. 1097. Rs.1210.
2. Rs. 3300. Rs. 3497. Rs.3630.
3. Rs. 5500. Rs. 5997. Rs. 6050.
All other terms and conditions will remain the same.
BSNl Kerala Holi Offers for GSM Customers from 25/3/2013 to 31/3/2013-Full Talk value
Holi Offers for GSM Customers from 25/3/2013 to 31/3/2013-Full Talk value for TopUPs 100 to 990 (CTopUp/Paper vouchers)
-10% Extra talk Value for TopUps 1000, 1100, 2000, 3000, 4000 & 5000
BSNL MAHARASHTRA Circle Promotional Scheme on Top up vouchers of Rs.250, 1100, & 5500 under GSM prepaid mobile services
Promotional Scheme on Top up vouchers of Rs.250, 1100,
& 5500 under GSM prepaid mobile services
The details of the scheme are as follows:-
Denomination of Top-Up (MRP) Talk Time during the Scheme
Rs.1100 Rs.1210
Rs.5500 Rs.6600
This scheme is being implemented on a promotional basis for 10 days w.e.f
22.03.2013 to 31.03.2013.
Promotional Scheme on Top up voucher of Rs.250 under GSM
prepaid mobile services
The details of the scheme are as follows:-
Denomination of Top-Up (MRP) Talk Time during the Scheme
Rs.250 Rs.275
This scheme is being implemented on a promotional basis w.e.f
24.03.2013 to 31.03.2013
& 5500 under GSM prepaid mobile services
The details of the scheme are as follows:-
Denomination of Top-Up (MRP) Talk Time during the Scheme
Rs.1100 Rs.1210
Rs.5500 Rs.6600
This scheme is being implemented on a promotional basis for 10 days w.e.f
22.03.2013 to 31.03.2013.
Promotional Scheme on Top up voucher of Rs.250 under GSM
prepaid mobile services
The details of the scheme are as follows:-
Denomination of Top-Up (MRP) Talk Time during the Scheme
Rs.250 Rs.275
This scheme is being implemented on a promotional basis w.e.f
24.03.2013 to 31.03.2013
BSNL Chennai Circle Full usage value equal to MRP on Top-ups with MRP Rs.10 & 20
usage value equal to MRP on Top-ups with MRP Rs.10 & 20
BSNL Chennai Telephones is happy to announce the full usage value
equal to MRP on Top-ups with MRP of Rs.10 & 20/- only in Physical
cards Chennai Circle (incl. Tamilnadu) in 2G & 3G prepaid Mobile
services for 16 days from 16.03.2013 to
The details are given below:-
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