Sl | Plan | Bandwidth | Monthly Charges | Download Limit (MB) | Additional charges Rs./ MB | Discounted Annual Payment | Free Calls | Free Modem / Commited period for free modem(Month) | Projected Monthly Rental +Usage Charges(Rs) * (Excl' Tax) | Security Deposit |
1 | BBG 250 | Upto 2Mbps | 250/- | 1024 | 0.20 upto 5 GB, 0.10 thereafter /- | 2500/- | As per the existing Landline plan | Free Modem NA | 250 | NIL |
2 | BBG Combo 299 | 256 kbps | 299/- | 1024 | 0.20 upto 5 GB, 0.10 thereafter /- | 2990/- | NIL | Free Modem NA | 299 | NIL |
3 | BBG FN Combo 500 | Upto 2Mbps | 500/- | 1536 | 0.2/- | 5000/- | 175 | Free Modem NA | 500 | NIL |
4 | BBG FN Combo 599 | upto 512 Kbps | 599/- | 4096 | 0.2/- | 5990/- | 200 | Free Modem Not applicable | 599 | One Month charges |
5 | BBG FN Combo 600 | Upto 2 Mbps | 600/- | 2560 | 0.20 upto 5 GB, 0.10 thereafter /- | 6000/- | 250 | Free Modem NA | 600 | One Month charges |
6 | BBG 700 | Upto 2Mbps | 700/- | 4096 | 0.20 upto 5 GB, 0.10 thereafter /- | 7000/- | As per the existing Landline plan | Free Modem NA | 700 | One Month charges |
7 | BBG Combo 1111 | upto 2 Mbps | 1111/- | 15360 | 0.1/- | 11110/- | 250 | Free Modem 12 | 1111 | One Month charges |
8 | BBG Speed Combo 2799 | Upto 8Mbps | 2799/- | 51200 | 0.1/- | 27990/- | 300 | Free Modem 12 | 2799 | One Month charges |
9 | BBG Super Speed Combo 4999 | Upto 16 Mbps | 4999/- | 112640 | 0.1/- | 49990/- | 500 | Free Modem 12 | 4999 | One Month charges |
10 | BBG Super Speed Combo 6999 | Upto 24 Mbps | 9999/- | 225280 | 0.1/- | 99990/- | 1000 | Free Modem 12 | 9999 | One Month charges |
11 | BB Home UL 499 | 256 Kbps | 499/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 4990/- | As per the existing Landline plan | Free Modem NA | 499 | One Month charges |
12 | BB Home Combo UL 625 | 256 Kbps | 625/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 6250/- | 100 | Free Modem NA | 625 | One Month charges |
13 | BB Home UL 750 | 512 Kbps | 750/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 7500/- | As per the existing Landline plan | Free Modem NA | 750 | One Month charges |
14 | BB Home Combo UL 750 | 512 Kbps | 750/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 7500/- | NIL | Free Modem NA | 750 | One Month charges |
15 | BB Home Combo ULD 900 | 4 Mbps upto 8 GB, 256 Kbps beyond 8 GB | 900/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 9000/- | 400 | Free Modem 12 | 900 | One Month charges |
16 | BB Combo ULD 1000 | 1 Mbps upto 15 GB, 256 Kbps beyond 15 GB | 1000/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 10000/- | 450 | Free Modem 12 | 1000 | One Month charges |
17 | BB Combo ULD 1350 | 2 Mbps upto 20 GB, 512 kbps beyond 20 GB | 1350/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 13500/- | 250 | Free Modem 12 | 1350 | One Month charges |
18 | BB Combo ULD 1700 | 2 Mbps upto 40 GB, 256 kbps beyond 40 GB | 1700/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 17000/- | 50 | Free Modem 12 | 1700 | One Month charges |
19 | BBG ULD 2150 | 256 Kbps | 2150/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 21500/- | As per the existing Landline plan | Free Modem 12 | 2150 | One Month charges |
20 | BBG Combo UL 2150 | 1 Mbps upto 100 GB, 256 Kbps beyond 100 GB | 2150/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 21500/- | 250 | Free Modem 12 | 2150 | One Month charges |
21 | BBG ULD 3300 | 2 Mbps upto 150 GB, 512 Kbps beyond 150 GB | 3300/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 33000/- | As per the existing Landline plan | Free Modem 12 | 3300 | One Month charges |
22 | BBG Combo ULD 3300 | 2 Mbps upto 150 GB, 512 Kbps beyond 150 GB | 3300/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 33000/- | 500 | Free Modem 12 | 3300 | One Month charges |
23 | BBG ULD 6000 | 4 Mbps upto 200 GB, 1 Mbps beyond 200 GB | 6000/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 60000/- | As per the existing Landline plan | Free Modem 12 | 6000 | One Month charges |
24 | BBG Combo ULD 6000 | 4 Mbps upto 200 GB, 1 Mbps beyond 200 GB | 6000/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 60000/- | 1000 | Free Modem 12 | 6000 | One Month charges |
25 | BBG UL 9000 | 2 Mbps upto 300 GB, 1 Mbps beyond 300 GB | 9000/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 90000/- | As per the existing Landline plan | Free Modem 12 | 9000 | One Month charges |
26 | BBG Combo UL 9000 | 2 Mbps Unlimited | 9000/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 90000/- | 1500 | Free Modem 12 | 9000 | One Month charges |
27 | BBG UL 15000 | 4 Mbps Unlimited | 15000/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 150000/- | As per the existing Landline plan | Free Modem 1 | 15000 | One Month charges |
28 | BBG Combo UL 15000 | 4 Mbps Unlimited | 15000/- | Unlimited | 0/- | 150000/- | 2000 | Free Modem 1 | 15000 | One Month charges |
29 | BBG 300 CS3 | Upto 512 kbps | 300/- | 2048 | 0.20 upto 10 GB, 0.10 thereafter/- | 3000/- | NIL | Free Modem NA | 300 | NIL |
30 | BBG Combo ULD 850 | 1 Mbps upto 8 GB, 256 Kbps beyond 8 GB | 850/- | Unlimited | /- | 8500/- | Free Modem NA | 850 | One month Charges | |
BSNL Mobile Promotional offers
Promotional offers under CDMA services (Relaunched)
BSNL as a goodwill gesture Relaunches following Special Tariff Vouchers (STVs) with a facility
to make unlimited Local / unlimited STD call under prepaid CDMA services :-
i) Unlimited Local/STD STV's:- |
ii) The above offer is applicable for a period 90 days with effect from
Promotional Offer for Sale Price of GSM Based FWPs
*The free talk value of Rs 125/- per month allowed for a month is to be
utilized in the month for which it is allowed & no carry forward will be allowed.
All other terms and conditions will remain same. |
BSNL MAHARASHTRA CIRCLE: Promotional offers under 2G & 3G mobile services
Promotional offers under 2G & 3G mobile services on
MRP of Rs.110, Rs.220, Rs.440 and Rs.550
Full usage value equal to MRP on Top-up vouchers/C-top-up/Flexi top-up with MRP
of Rs.110, Rs.220, Rs.440 and Rs.550.
Wherever, the usage value offered with top-up voucher is more than the MRP, the
higher usage value already offered will prevail.
Period: 90 days with effect from 19.09.2012
Promotional offers under 2G & 3G mobile services on
MRP of Rs.110, Rs.220, Rs.440 and Rs.550
Full usage value equal to MRP on Top-up vouchers/C-top-up/Flexi top-up with MRP
of Rs.110, Rs.220, Rs.440 and Rs.550.
Wherever, the usage value offered with top-up voucher is more than the MRP, the
higher usage value already offered will prevail.
Period: 90 days with effect from 19.09.2012
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