Promotional Tariff plan for BSNL VOIP “wings”
Promotional Tariff plan for BSNL VOIP “wings”
Promotional offer for wings for a period of 90 days in CHTD
under CFA segment as below:
Promotional offers Proposed plan
For Govt and PSU
Rs 599 and + GST as one time registration
charges in place of Rs 1099+ GST (Other
charges as per existing tariff)
Existing/new BSNL BBoWiFi
Rs. 599 + GST as one time registration
charges in place of Rs. 1099 +
GST.(Other charges as per existing tariff
Existing BSNL landline
No charges for initial 2
Months.Thereafter,Rs.1099 +GST to be
paid as one time registration charge.(other
charges as per existing tariff plan)
For Students (studying)with
valid ID card
20% rebate on Rs.1099+GST (one time
registration charge)(other charges as per
existing tariff plan)
Effective date 14.12.2018
Launch of Outbound CAMEL (prepaid) International Roaming Services
Launch of Outbound CAMEL (prepaid) International Roaming Services for the Chennai
Telephones Customers Roaming in M/s Mobitel Network of Srilanka
It is hereby conveyed for implementation of Roaming Services for Chennai
Telephones Pre-paid customers Roaming in M/s Mobitel Network of Srilanka, with
immediate effect. Tariff details are given below:
Type of Call Tariff
Mobile Originated Call (Local & National) Rs.33.04/Minute
Mobile Originated Call to India Rs.208.54/Minute
Mobile Terminated call Rs.33.04/Minute
Mobile Originated SMS Rs.23.74/ SMS
Mobile Terminated SMS Re.0.00 / SMS
DATA(GPRS) Rs.4.13/10 KB
Mobile Originated Calls to Other Countries Tariff in Rs./Minute
Zone- A1 & A2 208.54
Zone- B1 & B2 322.10
Zone- C1 & C2 342.75
Zone- D1 404.70
Zone- D2 412.95
Zone- E1 & E2 549.23
Customer Care, Police, Fire, Ambulance 0.00
1. Zone wise list of countries is as per the Annexure.
2. Detailed Tariff is available in
3. Tariff mentioned above is meant for basic Voice & Data Calls.
4. To avail this Service, the Prepaid Customers are required to submit their
Existing prepaid SIM and collect New International Roaming SIM (Dual IMSI
Seamless SIM) at CSC.
5. With effect from 05.11.2018, International roaming facility will be available
to the pre-paid Customers only after activation of the STV IR57. This applies
for the existing international Pre-paid roamers also.
6. Tariff is subject to revision from time to time, based on the Tariff agreement
revisions between BSNL and M/s Mobitel, Srilanka.
2 of 4 | P a g e s
Bangladesh (BGD, 880), India (IND, 91), Maldives (MDV, 960), Nepal (NPL, 977),
Pakistan (PAK, 92)
Australia (AUS, 61), Brunei Darussalam (BRN, 673), Hong Kong (HKG, 852),
Indonesia (IDN, 62), Japan (JPN, 81), Korea - Republic (KOR, 82), Malaysia (MYS, 60),
New Zealand (NZL, 64), Singapore (SGP, 65), Taiwan (TWN, 886), Thailand (THA, 66)
Cook Islands (COK, 682), Fiji (FJI, 679), Korea - Democratic People's Republic (PRK,
850), Macau (MAC, 853), Papua New Guinea (PNG, 675), Philippines (PHL, 63)
Bahrain (BHR, 973), Canada (CAN, 1), Cyprus (CYP, 357), Germany (DEU, 49), Italy
(ITA, 39), Kuwait (KWT, 965), Norway (NOR, 47), Oman (OMN, 968), Qatar (QAT,
974), Switzerland (CHE, 41), United Arab Emirates (ARE, 971), United Kingdom
(GBR, 44), United States (USA, 1)
Belgium (BEL, 32), Finland (FIN, 358), Ghana (GHA, 233), Greece (GRC, 30), Ireland
(IRL, 353), Jordan (JOR, 962), Mauritius (MUS, 230), Seychelles (SYC, 248), South
Africa (ZAF, 27), Sweden (SWE, 46), Tonga (TON, 676), Trinidad and Tobago (TTO,
1868), Ukraine (UKR, 380)
Austria (AUT, 43), China (CHN, 86), Egypt (EGY, 20), France (FRA, 33), Netherlands
(NLD, 31), Russian Federation (RUS, 7), Saudi Arabia (SAU, 966), Spain (ESP, 34),
Turkey (TUR, 90)
Afghanistan (AFG, 93), Albania (ALB, 355), Algeria (DZA, 213), American Samoa
(ASM, 1684), Andorra (AND, 376), Angola (AGO, 244), Antarctica (ATA, 672),
Antigua and Barbuda (ATG, 1268), Argentina (ARG, 54), Armenia (ARM, 374), Aruba
(ABW, 297), Azerbaijan (AZE, 994), Bahamas (BHS, 1242), Barbados (BRB, 1246),
Belarus (BLR, 375), Belize (BLZ, 501), Benin (BEN, 229), Bermuda (BMU, 1441),
Bolivia (BOL, 591), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH, 387), Botswana (BWA, 267), Brazil
3 of 4 | P a g e s
(BRA, 55), British Indian Ocean (IOT, 246), Bulgaria (BGR, 359), Burkina Faso (BFA,
226), Burundi (BDI, 257), Cambodia (KHM, 855), Cameroon (CMR, 237), Cape Verde
(CPV, 238), Cayman Island (CYM, 1345), Central African Republic (CAF, 236), Chad
(TCD, 235), Chile (CHL, 56), Colombia (COL, 57), Comoros (COM, 269), Congo (COG,
242), Costa Rica (CRI, 506), Cote D'Ivoire (CIV, 225), Croatia (local name: Hrvatska)
(HRV, 385), Cuba (CUB, 53), Czech Republic (CZE, 420), Denmark (DNK, 45), Djibouti
(DJI, 253), Dominica (DMA, 1767), Dominican Republic-Dominican Republic (DOM,
1809, 1829), Ecuador (ECU, 593), El Salvador (SLV, 503), Equatorial Guinea (GNQ,
240), Eritrea (ERI, 291), Estonia (EST, 372), Ethiopia (ETH, 251), Falkland Islands
(Malvinas) (FLK, 500), Faroe Islands (FRO, 298), French Guiana (GUF, 594), French
Polynesia (PYF, 689), Gabon (GAB, 241), Gambia (GMB, 220), Georgia (GEO, 995),
Gibraltar (GIB, 350), Greenland (GRL, 299), Grenada (GRD, 1473), Guadeloupe (GLP,
590), Guatemala (GTM, 502), Guinea (GIN, 224), Guinea-Bissau (GNB, 245), Guyana
(GUY, 592), Haiti (HTI, 509), Heard and MC Donald Islands (HMD, 61), Holy See
(Vatican City State) (VAT, 39), Honduras (HND, 504), Hungary (HUN, 36), Iceland
(ISL, 354), Iran (Islamic Republic of) (IRN, 98), Iraq (IRQ, 964), Israel (ISR, 972),
Jamaica (JAM, 1876), Kazakhstan (KAZ, 7), Kenya (KEN, 254), Kiribati (KIR, 686),
Kyrgyzstan (KGZ, 996), Lao People's Democratic Republic (LAO, 856), Latvia (LVA,
371), Lebanon (LBN, 961), Lesotho (LSO, 266), Liberia (LBR, 231), Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya (LBY, 218), Liechtenstein (LIE, 423), Lithuania (LTU, 370), Luxembourg
(LUX, 352), Macedonia (MKD, 389), Madagascar (MDG, 261), Malawi (MWI, 265),
Mali (MLI, 223), Malta (MLT, 356), Marshall Islands (MHL, 692), Martinique (MTQ,
596), Mauritania (MRT, 222), Mayotte (MYT, 262), Mexico (MEX, 52), Micronesia -
Federated States (FSM, 691), Moldova - Republic (MDA, 373), Monaco (MCO, 377),
Mongolia (MNG, 976), Montenegro (MNE, 382), Montserrat (MSR, 1664), Morocco
(MAR, 212), Mozambique (MOZ, 258), Myanmar (MMR, 95), Namibia (NAM, 264),
Nauru (NRU, 674), Netherlands Antilles (ANT, 599), New Caledonia (NCL, 687),
Nicaragua (NIC, 505), Niger (NER, 227), Nigeria (NGA, 234), Niue (NIU, 683), Norfolk
Island (NFK, 6723), Palestine (PSE, 970), Panama (PAN, 507), Paraguay (PRY, 595),
Peru (PER, 51), Poland (POL, 48), Portugal (PRT, 351), Puerto Rico (PRI, 1787, 1939),
Reunion (REU, 262), Romania (ROU, 40), Rwanda (RWA, 250), Saint Helena (SHN,
290), Saint Kitts and Nevis (KNA, 1869), Saint Lucia (LCA, 1758), Saint Pierre and
Miquelon (SPM, 508), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT, 1784), Samoa (WSM,
685), San Marino (SMR, 378), Sao Tome and Principe (STP, 239), Senegal (SEN, 221),
Serbia (SRB, 381), Sierra Leone (SLE, 232), Slovakia (Slovak Republic) (SVK, 421),
Slovenia (SVN, 386), Solomon Islands (SLB, 677), Somalia (SOM, 252), South Sudan
(SSD, 211), Sudan (SDN, 249), Suriname (SUR, 597), Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
(SJM, 47), Swaziland (SWZ, 268), Syrian Arab Republic (SYR, 963), Tajikistan (TJK,
992), Tanzania - United Republic (TZA, 255), Togo (TGO, 228), Tokelau (TKL, 690),
Tunisia (TUN, 216), Turkmenistan (TKM, 993),Turks and Caicos Islands (TCA, 1649),
4 of 4 | P a g e s
Tuvalu (TUV, 688), Uganda (UGA, 256), Uruguay (URY, 598), Uzbekistan (UZB, 998),
Vanuatu (VUT, 678), Venezuela (VEN, 58), Vietnam (VNM, 84), Virgin Islands
(British) (VGB, 1284), Yemen (YEM, 967), Zambia (ZMB, 260), Zimbabwe (ZWE, 263),
Congo – The Democratic Republic (COD, 243)
Sat-Inmarsat A Maritime (AOR-W)- Atlantic Ocean (8741), Sat-Inmarsat A Maritime
(IOR)- Indian Ocean (8731), Sat-Inmarsat A Maritime (POR)- Pacific Ocean (8721),
Sat-Inmarsat Aero (AOR-E)- Atlantic Ocean -East (8711), Sat-Inmarsat B HSD (AORW)- Atlantic Ocean - West (87439), Sat- Inmarsat B HSD (AOR-E)- Atlantic Ocean -
East (87139), Sat-Inmarsat B HSD (IOR)- Indian Ocean (87339), Sat-Inmarsat B HSD
(POR)- Pacific Ocean (87239), Sat-Inmarsat B Land (POR)- Pacific Ocean (87230),
Sat-Inmarsat B Maritime (IOR)- Indian Ocean (87338), Sat-Inmarsat B Maritime
(POR)- Pacific Ocean (87238), Sat-Inmarsat M HSD (AOR-W) - Atlantic Ocean - West
(87468), Sat- Inmarsat M HSD (IOR) - Indian Ocean (87368), Sat-Inmarsat M Land
(AOR-E)- Atlantic Ocean – East (87160), Sat-Inmarsat M Land (POR)- Pacific Ocean
(87260), Sat-Inmarsat M Maritime (AOR-E)- Atlantic Ocean -East (87169), SatInmarsat M Maritime (AOR-W)- Atlantic Ocean - West (87469), Sat- Inmarsat M
Maritime (IOR)- Indian Ocean (87369), Sat-Inmarsat M Maritime (POR)- Pacific
Ocean (87269), Sat-Inmarsat Mini M (AOR-E)- Atlantic Ocean - East (87176), SatInmarsat Mini M (AOR-W)- Atlantic Ocean - West (87476), Sat-Inmarsat Mini M
(IOR)- Indian Ocean (87376), Sat-Inmarsat Mini M (POR)- Pacific Ocean (87276), SatThuraya (88216)
Sat-Inmarsat A Maritime (AOR-E)- Atlantic Ocean -East (8715), Sat-Inmarsat Aero
(AOR-W)- Atlantic Ocean - West (8745), Sat-Inmarsat Aero (IOR)- Indian Ocean
(8735), Sat-Inmarsat Aero (POR)- Pacific Ocean (8725)
Police set 2
1121 (LKA, 112), 1181 (LKA, 118)
1Represents an Emergency number.
“Dispensing with the Blackout days” BSNL
It is hereby conveyed for the “Dispensing with the Blackout days”, under GSM mobile
(1) Pre-New Year Eve (31.12.2018) for the year 2018,
(2) New Year Eve (01.01.2019) and
(3) All Other black-out days for the year 2019.
(1) Pre-New Year Eve (31.12.2018) for the year 2018,
(2) New Year Eve (01.01.2019) and
(3) All Other black-out days for the year 2019.
New Promotional Broadband Plans for the New Customers for a period of 90 days w.e.f. 07/12/2018
New Promotional Broadband Plans for the New Customers for a period of 90 days w.e.f. 07/12/2018 | |||||
Particulars | BBG Combo ULD 150GB Plan | BBG Combo ULD 300GB Plan | BBG Combo ULD 600GB Plan | ||
Bandwidth (with best effort download Speed) subject to Technical Feasibility | Upto 20 Mbps till 5GB/day, upto 1 Mbps beyond | Upto 20 Mbps till 10GB/day, upto 1 Mbps beyond | Upto 20 Mbps till 20GB/day, upto 1 Mbps beyond | ||
Applicability | Only for Multistoried Complex OR Bulk Customers in CTD | All Customers | All Customers | ||
Fixed Monthly Charges (Rs) | 199 | 299 | 491 | ||
Annual Payment Option (Rs.) [11 x FMC] | NA | NA | NA | ||
Two Years Payment Option (Rs.) [21 x FMC] | NA | NA | NA | ||
Three Years Payment Option (Rs.) [30 x FMC] | NA | NA | NA | ||
Download/Upload Limit (MB/ GB) per month | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | ||
Additional Usage Charges/ MB beyond free download/upload limit (Rs) | NA | NA | NA | ||
Free E-mail IDs/Space (Per E-mail ID) | 1/1 GB | 1/1 GB | 1/1 GB | ||
Static IP Address (On Request) | NA | NA | NA | ||
Security Deposit | 500 | 500 | 500 | ||
Minimum Hire Period | One month | One month | One Month | ||
Telephone fixed monthly charges in Rs | NIL | NIL | NIL | ||
Free Calls and Additional facility | (a) Free calls of worth Rs. 225/- on other network within India. (b) 24Hrs. Unlimited free calling to BSNL network in India. (c) Unlimited free calls between 10.30PM to 6AM & on all Sundays, to any network within India. | 24 Hrs. free unlimited calling (Local + STD) on any network within India | |||
MCU Charges/pulse in Rs. | (To BSNL N/W after free calls) | NIL | |||
(To other N/W) | 1.2 | ||||
Terms & Conditions for providing above Broadband plans:-
'Amazon Prime Package' membership across all the DSL/FTTH Broadband plans with FMC of Rs. 745/-
- BSNL offer 'Amazon Prime Package' membership without additional
- Subscribers can have unlimited access to Prime Fast delivery,
- Prime Video, Prime Music and Prime reading contents without any cost.
cost for one year from date of activation, to all existing / new
Broadband customers across all the DSL/FTTH Broadband plans
with FMC of Rs. 745/- & above.
Full Talk value on Topup 120 (valid till 26.03.2019) BSNL
- Full Talk value on Topup 120 (valid till 26.03.2019)
- If Plan validity< STV validity, then the Plan validity will be equal to STV validity recharged. Applicable for all STVs above Rs 100. (valid till 21.01.2019)
BSNL 4G plus (Offload)
All BSNL Mobile Customers can enjoy high speed Data access to Wi-Fi Hotspots across the country by following procedures:
A) Steps for Activating through EAP method
- Turn On WLAN/Wi-Fi in mobile handset and select BSNL 4G Plus SSID.
- Choose EAP method as “SIM” authentication and select BSNL SIM slot.
- Click on Connect and it gets connected after successful authentication.
B) Steps for Activating through Non-EAP method(For Non EAP Compatible handsets eg., Laptop, non EAP supported mobile devices)
- Select BSNL WiFi SSID and it will be redirected to Captive portal.
- Provide Mobile number and click on Get PIN
- Enter the PIN which has received and click on login.
C) Steps for Activating through APP
- Search for “BSNL 4G Plus” App from Google Play store(Android Users, App store (Apple), Windows Stores)
- Download and register with BSNL Mobile number.
- Ensure BSNL SIM should be first slot(if handsets support more than 1 sim Slots)
- Click on BSNL Mobile User Offload
Any Customer from any mobile operator having a mobile handset can enjoy high speed data (initial 30 minutes free and then through Wi-Fi recharge Coupons) through BSNL Wi-Fi Hotspots across the country. To experience, please follow following procedures:
A) Steps for Activating in Mobile Handset
- Turn On WLAN/Wi-Fi in mobile handset and select “BSNL WiFi” SSID
- Users gets redirected to Captive Portal where two options (Free Wi-Fi, Premium Wi-Fi) are available.
- Free WiFi (Complementary Data)
- Provide Mobile Number and click on Get PIN
- Enter PIN received and click on Login
- Premium WiFi (Using Coupon, Purchasing/Pay Online)
- a) Using Coupon
- Click on Use Coupon and later provide Coupon number(Physical/ E PIN) of purchased plan and Mobile Number.
- Click on Subscribe.
- b) Pay online
- Click on Pay Online, choose plan, provide mobile number and click on Get PIN
- Enter PIN received and click on Subscribe.
- Complete payment either with Credit Cards/Debit Cards/ Net banking/ Wallet options available.
- Use WiFi services by providing Mobile Number, PIN under Premium Option.
Coupon value for BSNL WiFi SSID
Name of Plan
Price (in Rs.) (inclusive of GST)
Data Volume
| Validity (in days) |
BSNL-WiFi-10 | 10 | 300 MB | 1 |
BSNL-WiFi-20 | 20 | 500 MB | 3 |
BSNL-WiFi-30 | 30 | 1 GB | 14 |
BSNL-WiFi-40 | 40 | 1.5 GB | 14 |
BSNL-WiFi-50 | 50 | 2 GB | 14 |
BSNL-WiFi-60 | 60 | 2.5 GB | 7 |
BSNL-WiFi-75 | 75 | 3 GB | 14 |
BSNL-WiFi-80 | 80 | 3.5 GB | 28 |
BSNL-WiFi-90 | 90 | 4 GB | 28 |
BSNL-WiFi-100 | 100 | 5 GB | 28 |
BSNL-WiFi-180 | 180 | 10 GB | 14 |
BSNL-WiFi-240 | 240 | 10 GB | 28 |
BSNL-WiFi-349 | 349 | 20 GB | 28 |
BSNL-WiFi-500 | 500 | 30 GB | 28 |
BSNL-WiFi-599 | 599 | 35 GB | 28 |
BSNL-WiFi-999 | 999 | 75 GB | 28 |
BSNL-WiFi-1999 | 1999 | 160 GB | 28 |
B) Steps for Activating through APP
- Search for “BSNL WiFi” App from Google Play store(Android Users, App store (Apple), Windows Stores)
- Download and register with Mobile number in BSNL WiFi Option
- Free WiFi (Complementary Data)
- Provide Mobile Number and click on Get PIN
- Enter PIN received and click on Login
- Premium WiFi (Using Coupon, Purchasing/Pay Online)
- a) Using Coupon
- Click on Use Coupon and later provide Coupon number(Physical/ E PIN) of purchased plan and Mobile Number
- Click on Subscribe.
- b) Pay online
- Click on Pay Online, choose plan, provide mobile number and click on Get PIN
- Enter PIN received and click on Subscribe.
- Complete payment either with Credit Cards/Debit Cards/ Net banking/ Wallet options available.
- Use WiFi services by providing Mobile Number, PIN under Premium Option.
BSNL Broad Fi
All Landline broadband customers of BSNL can also experience high speed data on their mobile handset from BSNL Wi-Fi Hotspots across the country by following procedure:
A) Steps for Activating in mobile handset
- Turn On WLAN/Wi-Fi in mobile handset and select BSNL Broad Fi SSID.
- Please select authentication types as below and enter Broadband user credentials.
- Phase 1 Authentication: PEAP
- Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
- Identity: Provide Broad user id along with domain name (ex-, provided by BSNL
- Password: broadband user id password provided by BSNL
- It will be redirected to Captive portal and select 2nd authentication with OTP to the mobile number displayed (verify first 2 and last 3 digits)
- Click on Submit and provide PIN received.
- Click on unused OTP if not used and enter PIN and click on Submit.
- If mobile numbers not registered then visit nearest BSNL CSC.
B) Steps for Activating through APP
- Search for “BSNL WiFi” App from Google Play store(Android Users, App store (Apple), Windows Stores).
- Download and register with Broadband user with the Option displayed “BSNL Broad Fi”.
- Please select authentication types as below and enter Broadband user credentials.
- Phase 1 Authentication: PEAP
- Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
- Identity: Provide Broad user id along with domain name (ex-, provided by BSNL
- Password: broadband user id password provided by BSNL
- It will be redirected to Captive portal and select 2nd authentication with OTP to the mobile number displayed (verify first 2 and last 3 digits)
- Click on Submit and provide PIN received.
- Click on unused OTP if not used and enter PIN and click on Submit.
- If mobile numbers not registered then visit nearest BSNL CSC. Never Worried When Locked out of Android Phones
Never Worried When Locked out of Android Phones
No matter what reasons caused your Android phone getting locked, this smart tool can easily solve the problem and bypass Android lock screen in minutes. Quick and Easy.
Never Worried When Locked out of Android Phones
No matter what reasons caused your Android phone getting locked, this smart tool can easily solve the problem and bypass Android lock screen in minutes. Quick and Easy. Lost your device? Try the Find My Mobile service.
Find My Mobile
Lost your device? Try the Find My Mobile service.
Since smartphones have become an essential part of our lives, the Find My Mobile service can be a necessary preventive measure against the loss of your smartphone.
If you have lost your device, try the Find My Mobile service.
You can remotely locate your lost smartphone, back up data stored on the device to Samsung Cloud, lock the screen, and even block access to Samsung Pay.
You can also delete all data stored on your device.
If you have lost your device, try the Find My Mobile service.
You can remotely locate your lost smartphone, back up data stored on the device to Samsung Cloud, lock the screen, and even block access to Samsung Pay.
You can also delete all data stored on your device.
Independence Day Promotional offer

Independence Day Promotional offer – Freedom offer Chotta Pack- Launch of STV29 & STV9 Revision in MRP of existing STV 29 as STV31 under GSM Prepaid Mobile Services w.e.f 10.08.2018 On the occasion of Independence day, it is hereby conveyed that the Promotional Freedom Offer- Chhota Pack of STV 29 and STV 9 is launched for a period 10.08.2018 to 25.08.2018 under GSM prepaid mobile services, with the features as detailed below:- A. Launch of Freedom Offer- Chhota Pack – STV 29 and STV 9: Name of the STV MRP OF STV incl of GST (In Rs.) Promotional Features on the occasion of Independence Day for the period 10.08.2018 to 25.08.2018 Features beyond period 25.08.2018 Validity in Calendar Days # Self-care Keyword SMS to 123 COMBO STV29 29 Unlimited voice (local /STD) (On-net/ Off-net) in Home LSA And National roaming (excluding MTNL Mumbai & Delhi) + Unlimited data with speed reduced to 80 kbps after 2 GB Data per day + 100 SMS per day + Free PRBT with unlimited song change Unlimited voice (local /STD) (On-net/ Off-net) in Home LSA and National roaming (excluding MTNL Mumbai & Delhi)+ 1GB Data + 300 SMS + Free PRBT with unlimited song change 7 Days NA COMBO STV 9 9 Unlimited voice (local/STD) (On-net/ Off-net) in Home LSA and National roaming (excluding MTNL Delhi & Mumbai)+ Unlimited data with speed reduced to 80 kbps after 2 GB Data per day+ 100 SMS per day Unlimited voice (local/STD) (On-net/Off-net) in Home LSA and National roaming (excluding MTNL Delhi & Mumbai)+ 100 MB Data+ 100 SMS 1Day STV COMBO9 The Activation of the new COMBO STV29 can be done through C-Top-Up, Web Portal only. The activation of the COMBO STV9 can be done through C-Top-Up, Web Portal and Self-care. B. Revision in MRP of existing STV 29 as STV 31 w.e.f 10.08.2018: Consequent upon the introduction of New STV29, the STV29 currently in vogue is shifted to vacant denomination of 31 without any change in the existing features. The details of the shifted STV 29 to STV 31 are furnished below:- Name of the STV Feature of the STV Validity in Calendar Days # Existing MRP OF STV incl of GST (In Rs.) Revised MRP OF STV incl of GST (In Rs.) Self care Keyword SMS to 123 STV DATA31 Free DATA 150MB 3 Days 29 31 STV DATA31 # The Validity of STV will end at 23:59 hrs of last day irrespective of time of re-charging on 1st day i.e., Calendar Day validity. Data Charges after Freebies will be as per base plan tariff. The activation of the DATA STV31 can be done through C-Top-Up, Web Portal and Self-care.
Freedom Offer – Chhota Pack On the occasion of Independence Day, BSNL
Freedom Offer – Chhota Pack
On the occasion of Independence Day, BSNL is happy to announce New STVs
"Freedom Offer – Chhota Pack" under Pre-paid mobile Services states
as a Promotional offer w.e.f 10.08.2018 to 25.08.2018. The details are furnished here under.
STV-29: Unlimited voice in Home LSA and National Roaming (excluding Mumbai & Delhi)
Unlimited Data with speed reduced to 80kbps after 2GB per day
100 SMS per day
Free PRBT with unlimited song change
Validity - 7days
STV-9: Unlimited voice in Home LSA and National Roaming (excluding Mumbai & Delhi)
Unlimited Data with speed reduced to 80kbps after 2GB
100 SMS
Validity – 1day
For further details dial 1503 or 1800 180 1503
BSNL extends“seamless connectivity in Delhi & NCR area”
BSNL extends“seamless connectivity in Delhi & NCR area”
Public sector telecom giant, BSNL extended “seamless connectivity in Delhi &
NCR area” to its mobile customers to stay connected in Delhi by way of roaming
on to the network of Vodafone Delhi alongwith its existing tie up with MTNL.
BSNL Customers need to give their consent to BSNL by sending SMS to 53333 to use Vodafone Network in Delhi as additional feature
through Manual Network Selection. Initially, a notional incoming call charge is
to be payable by BSNL Customer in Vodafone Roaming.
PRBT with unlimited songs change option for 30 days
Promotional offer of bundling of free PRBT with unlimited songs change option for 30 days with recharge of Top-Up of Rs. 260 with Full Talk Time for 90 days w.e.f 01.08.2018 as promotional offer under prepaid mobile services
BSNL Offfers Monthly
BSNL Offers for the Month Feb 2019
BSNL Offers 2019
Promotional offer of 1 GB free Data with New version of MyBSNL app under GSM mobile services
BSNL Offers 2019
Promotional offer of 1 GB free Data with New version of MyBSNL app under GSM mobile services
1) The free Data of 1 GB is to be provided with first time downloads/registration of MyBSNL app.
2) It is to be provided with only new downloads of new version of MYBSNL app for a promotional period of 90 days w.e.f 11.02.2019.
3) Customers who had already installed new version of app will not get free data.
Plan | Validity | Special Offers |
₹ 186 | 28 Days |
₹ 429 | 81 Days |
₹ 485 | 90 Days |
₹ 666 | 129 Days |
₹ 999 | 181 Days |
₹ 1699 | 365 Days |
₹ 2099 | 365 Days |
STV | Validity | Special Offer |
₹ 187 | 28 Days |
₹ 333 | 45 Days |
₹349 | 54 Days |
₹399 | 74 Days |
₹444 | 60 Days |
₹447 | 84 Days |
| ||
| Special Offer |
Topup 160 | ₹ 132.59 | Full talk value of ₹ 160/- on all Sundays |
Topup 250 | ₹ 208.86 |
Extra Talk Time of Rs 275/-
Topup 300 | ₹ 330 | Extra talk value on any day |
Topup 500 | ₹ 420.73 |
Talk Time of Rs 550/-
Topup 550 | ₹ 575 | Extra Talk Time on any day |
Topup 600 | ₹ 502.66 |
Extra Talk Time of Rs 660/-
Topup 1100 | ₹ 1200 | Extra talk value on any day |
Topup 2000 | ₹ 2000 | Full talk value on any day |
Topup 2200 | ₹ 2200 | Full talk value on any day |
Topup 2500 | ₹ 2500 | Full talk value on any day |
Topup 3000 | ₹ 3000 | Full talk value on any day |
Topup 3300 | ₹ 3500 | Extra talk value on any day |
Topup 5500 | ₹ 6000 | Extra talk value on any day |
| ||
Free 1 GB Data valid for 30 days for new users of "MY BSNL" APP (upto 31.12.2018) |
Subscribe to: