Introducing New Data STV 241 w.e.f 20-4-2016 with 1.2 GB free usage and validity 30 days
New Data STV 241 Validity in r/o data STVs revised with effect from 20.04.2016
Unlimited Data STVs will be launched with effect from 21.04.2016
Unlimited Data STVs will be launched with effect from
21.04.2016 as under:-
Data STV in Rs.
(inclusive service Tax)
Validity (in days) Free Usage Additional Tariff Details
398 30 Unlimited Speed 80 Kbps after 2 GB
629 30 Unlimited Speed 80 Kbps after 3 GB
2399 60 Unlimited Speed 80 Kbps after 16 GB
Kindly note these STVS can be activated via C-Top Up and
Self care.
Extension of prepaid plans “PV-77” & “PV-87” Karnataka
Karnataka Telecom Circle
I) Extension of prepaid plan “PV-77” for New MNP customers
only as a
promotional offer for 90 days from 25-04-2016 to 23-07-2016
prepaid services in Karnataka circle.
The Feature of PV-77 is as follows:
Plan Voucher PV 77 ( Applicable to New MNP Customers only)
MRP of Plan Voucher in Rs. 77
Free Usage Allowed with Plan Voucher^ (to be used within 30
Free Voice Call (Pulse) In Sec
i) On-net 3000 Sec Local/ STD any network
ii) Off-net
Free Data 50 MB
Plan Validity in days 180
Migration to Other Plan Through any applicable working Plan
Migration From Other Plan Not Allowed
Daily Freebies
Daily 100 On-net(Local/STD) SMS Free
Bonus Period
Bonus Period-I 15 Days
Bonus Period-I I 165 Days
B-II. Plan Details: MNP PV 77
(i) Voice Call Charges P / Sec
Pulse rate ( in Seconds) 1 Sec
Local/STD Mobile/Fixed On-net/Offnet
0.7 P/ Sec
ISD Call As per " corporate Per SECOND " plan
Plan Details: MNP PV 77
(ii) Video Call Charges P / Sec
Pulse rate (Seconds) 1 sec
Local/STD On-net/Off-net 4 P/Sec
Incoming Nil
(iii) SMS
Local/National On-net/Off-net 20 p/sms (Daily Hundred On-net
SMS free)
International Rs 5 /SMS
Delivery Report Nil
Missed Call Alert Free
(iv) National Roaming
(a) Voice Call Rs /Min
Pulse rate (Seconds) 60 Sec
Local On-net/Off-net Rs 0.8/Min
STD On-net/Off-net Rs 1.15 /Min
Incoming Call Free (Up to: 13 June 2016)
Page 2
Regd. & Corporate office: Bharat Sanchar Bhavan,
H.C.Mathur Lane, Janpath, New Delhi-110001
Corporate Identity Number (CIN): U74899DL2000G0I107739
(b) SMS
Local SMS Rs 0.25 /SMS
National SMS Rs 0.38/SMS
International SMS Rs 5 /SMS
Incoming SMS Nil
Non- P2P SMS (From Home LSA/While
Roaming )
Premium Non- P2P SMS As determined by Content Provider
(c) Video Call P / Sec
Pulse rate (Seconds) 1 Sec
Local/STD On-net/Off-net 5 P/Sec
Incoming Call 5 P/Sec
(v) GPRS Service
Activation Charges Nil
Monthly Subscription Nil
Volume based usage charges in Rs.(Home
3p/10KB and 25p/MB ( for the APN Bsnlstream)
(vi) MMS Service
Local/National P2P (Rate per MMS in Rs.)
(Home LSA/while Roaming)
RS 3
International (Rate per MMS in Rs.) (Home
LSA/while Roaming)
RS 8
M2P (Downloader to pay) (Home LSA/while
Roaming) (As determined by the content
As determined by the content provider
Other Benefits & T &C
1)Always Full Usage Value on Top Up of Rs.500 to 1100,
1500,2000,2200,2500 and 3000
2) All other Tariff as per “Corporate Per Sec” Plan
3) All STVs are allowed.
Offer Applicablity
Applicable to Unified MNP plans
II) Extension of prepaid plan “New Amogh” plan PV-87 as a
offer for 90 days from 27-04-2016 to 25-07-2016 under
prepaid services in
Karnataka circle.
The Feature of PV-87 is as follows:
Plan Voucher PV 87 (New Amogh)
MRP of Plan Voucher in Rs. 87
Free Usage Allowed with Plan Voucher^ (to be used within 30
Free Voice Call (Pulse) In Min
Free Voice Call On-net/Off-net 30 Min Local/ STD any network
Free Data 50 MB
Plan Validity in days 180
Migration to Other Plan Through any applicable working Plan
Migration From Other Plan Allowed
Plan Voucher Denomination for Migratation purpose 87
Page 3
Regd. & Corporate office: Bharat Sanchar Bhavan,
H.C.Mathur Lane, Janpath, New Delhi-110001
Corporate Identity Number (CIN): U74899DL2000G0I107739
B-II. Plan Details: PV 87
(i) Voice Call Charges Rs / Min
Pulse rate ( in Seconds) 60 Sec
Local/STD Fixed On-net 35 P/min
Local/STD Mobile On-net 35 P/min
Local/STD Fixed Off-net 45 P/min
Local/STD Mobile Off-net 45 P/min
ISD Call As per " corporate SECOND " plan
Plan Details: PV 87
(ii) Video Call Charges p/ sec
Pulse rate (Seconds) 1 sec
Local/STD On-net/Off-Net 4 P/Sec
Incoming Nil
(iii) SMS
Local/National On-net/Off-Net 25 p/sms
International Rs 5/sms
Delivery Report Nil
Missed Call Alert Free
(iv) National Roaming
(a) Voice Call Rs / Min
Pulse rate (Seconds) 60 Sec
Local/STD On-net/Off-Net 80 P/Min
Incoming Call Free (Up to: 13 June 2016)
Local/National SMS 25 p/sms
International SMS Rs 5/sms
Incoming SMS 0
Non- P2P SMS (From Home LSA/While Roaming ) 3
Premium Non- P2P SMS As determined by Content Provider
(c) Video Call Rs./Sec
Pulse rate (Seconds) 1 sec
Local/STD On-net/Off-Net 5 P/Sec
Incoming Call 5 P/Sec
(v) GPRS Service
Activation Charges Nil
Monthly Subscription Nil
Volume based usage charges per 10 KB in Rs.
(Home Location & While Roaming) 3 P /10 KB , 25 P/
(vi) MMS Service
Local/National P2P (Rate per MMS in Rs.) (Home
LSA/while Roaming) RS 3
International (Rate per MMS in Rs.) (Home
LSA/while Roaming) RS 8
M2P (Downloader to pay) (Home LSA/while
Roaming) (As determined by the content provider As
determined by the content provider
Other Benefits & T &C
1)Always Full Usage Value on Top Up of Rs.500 to
1100, 1500,2000,2200,2500 and 3000
2) All other Tariff as per “Corporate Per Sec” Plan
3) All STVs are allowed.
New Unlimited Data STVs w.e.f.21-04-2016
Karnataka Telecom Circle
New Unlimited Data STVs have been introduced under prepaid
mobile services in Karnataka Circle w.e.f.21-04-2016 as
STV Validity Keyword to 123
398 30 Unlimited Speed 80Kbps after 2GB STV DATA398
629 30 Unlimited Speed 80Kbps after 3GB STV DATA629
2399 60 Unlimited Speed 80Kbps after 16GB STV DATA2399
BSNL prepaid subscriber can share the data usage with maximum four prepaid customers
Karnataka Telecom Circle
Now any prepaid subscriber of BSNL Karnataka would be able
to share the data
usage with maximum four prepaid customers of BSNL SZ circles
following conditions:
i. The Master Subscriber having base voice plan shall
recharge with any of the
community data pack through BSNL portal
( utilizing the
prepaid main account balance.
ii. The list of community data pack referred above.
The following are the Group Data STV packs approved by BSNL
CO, from which
subscribers can choose
Data STV in
Rs.(Exclusive of service
free usage
Data charges
after freebies
Data charges in
Rs./MB (For APN
1 173 1.2 GB 18 3p/10KB 0.25
2 233 1.2 GB 28 3p/10KB 0.25
3 323 2.4 GB 28 3p/10KB 0.25
4 493 3.2 GB 60 3p/10KB 0.25
5 663 5.2 GB 30 3p/10KB 0.25
6 923 7 GB 60 3p/10KB 0.25
7 1223 10 GB 60 3p/10KB 0.25
8 2013 21 GB 90 3p/10KB 0.25
iii. Detailed features, terms and conditions of the data
sharing facility are as below:
a) This Community Charging feature allows sharing of Data
among a group of prepaid
subscribers of SZ circles. A prepaid BSNL SZ customer can
subscribe a community Data
pack and share it with other 4 prepaid customers of SZ circles.
Therefore the community
data pack allows sharing of data among 5 persons ie. Between
a parent and 4 members.
b) Subscribing of community data pack and adding of Child
accounts – up to 4 numbers can
be done only by Master/Parent Subscriber through the BSNL
Web portal:
c) Master Subscriber called ‘Parent’ can subscribe to any of
the Community data packsGroup
account through the portal: www.bsnlszprepaid.comutilizing
the balance in his
prepaid main account. He cannot subscribe this data plan
through other channels like
SMS, USSD, IVR etc.,
d) The master subscriber called ‘Parent ‘must ensure
availability of sufficient balance
during the creation of group itself. During this process,
minimum one member must be
entered and a data pack must be selected. Group will be
created only after deducting the
corresponding amount from main account. Subsequent recharge
of the data pack may be
done by subscriber depending on the usage through recharge
option (under Group
e) This Portal enables the Parent to add and delete the
Child accounts.
f) Both the parent subscriber and the Child subscriber can
recharge his account with other
g) If a child is having any other data STVs subscribed to
his/her own account, the Group
account will come into effect only after his/her own data
STVs get exhausted.
i.e. Group account will have lowest priority than other
STVs. After exhausting the
Group account, customer will start draining his main
h) Child account will not have any access to view his shared
data usage.
i) The Parent subscriber alone can have the control over the
Group account activities
through the Portal.
j) No specific charges will be levied either on the Parent
Subscriber or from the Child
Subscriber for addition/deletion of Child members into the
group account.
Now you can share your BSNL data with Friends and Family
Now you can share your data with Friends and Family
1. This Community Charging feature allows sharing of Data
among a group of prepaid subscribers of SZ
circles. A prepaid BSNL SZ customer can subscribe a
community Data pack and share it with other 4
prepaid customers of SZ circles. Therefore the community
data pack allows sharing of data among 5
persons ie.betweena parent and 4 members.
2. Subscribing of community data pack and adding of Child
accounts – up to 4 numbers can be done
only by Master/Parent Subscriber through the BSNL Web portal
3. Master Subscriber called ‘Parent’ can subscribe to any of
the Communitydata packs-Group account
through the portal: www.bsnlszprepaid.comutilizing the
balance in his prepaid main account. He
cannot subscribe this data plan through other channels like
SMS, USSD, IVR etc.,
4. The master subscriber called ‘ Parent ‘ must ensure
availability of sufficient balance during the
creation of group itself. During this process,minimum one
member must be entered and a data pack
must be selected. Group will be created only after deducting
the corresponding amount from main
account. Subsequent recharge of the data pack may be done by
subscriber depending on the usage
through recharge option (under Group account ).
5. This Portal enables the Parent to add and delete the
Child accounts.
6. Both the parent subscriber and the Child subscriber can
recharge his account with other TopUPs/STVs.
7. If a child is having any other data STVs subscribed to
his/her own account,the Group account will
come into effect only after his/her own data STVs get
i.e. Group account will have lowest priority than other
STVs. After exhausting the Group
account, customer will start draining his main account.
8. Child account will not have any access to view his shared
data usage.
9. The Parent subscriber alone can have the control over the
Group account activities through the
10. No specific charges will be levied either on the Parent
Subscriber or from the Child Subscriber for
addition/deletion of Child members into the group account.
1. What do you mean by ‘ Data Sharing “
A single data pack subscribed by a BSNL Prepaid customer of
South Zone
is shared by 4 others - thus enabling a total of 5 BSNL
prepaid customers (
including the Group leader/ parent )to share a single data
2. How – the ‘ Data Sharing ‘ is getting enabled ?
There is a Group leader or a parent – who can subscribe to
this new data
sharing in BSNL through a new feature called – Community
which has the visibility only in the BSNL portal :www.
3. How much the Group leader needs to pay – to avail this ‘
Data Sharing ‘?
The Group Leader or the Parent – need not pay anything
through the
banking gateway; he has to ensure – sufficient balance is
available in his
Prepaid main account. He can subscribe to this community
charging only
through the portal through a drop
down menu –
showing the different unique data packs for sharing.
4. Can we not subscribe to this new data sharing feature
through C Top Up,
SMS or USSD or IVR ?
No,It can be subscribed only throughPortal
5. Any extra charge we need to pay to be brought under this
new BSNL data
sharing ?
There are no charges for creating a group/family.
6. How many groups – a single Group leader/Parent can create
at anytime
for data sharing ?
A BSNL prepaid customer cannotcreate more than one
simultaneously. Similarly, a prepaid BSNL user can be a
member/beneficiary of only one group/family simultaneously
for BSNL
Data sharing.
7. Any need to give my consent, when I am getting added into
Group/family for BSNL Data Sharing?
The BSNL Customer who is creating a Group/Family account, as
Leader/Parent will not require the consent of the users –
who are getting
added into the Group/Family account. And, he has the rights
to add/
remove any member into/from the group at any point of time.
8. How we share the Group account – any specified share in
the data pack
All members are having unrestricted access to the shared
data pack. The
group Leader/Parent is not enjoying any special priority and
he is placed
at par with other group members. He cannot keep any portion
of this
shared data pack for his own use. Once shared- the Group
leader/Parent’s entire data pack is available to all the 5
9. As a member of the Group account, Can I have access to my
usagedetails for this new data pack?
No, it is not possible. Only the Group leader/Parent of the
shared data
account can access the usage data details through the portal Child account will not have any
access to view
his shared data usage. However, the member will get post
call notification
regarding the usage as and when he/she completes the
10.I have started using the Community data pack and fearing
that the
current pack may exhaust soon, can I subscribe to one more
community data pack ?
Yes, it is possible. In such case, the Community Data pack
which has the
earlier validity date will have the priority for usage.
11.I am already using a Data STV in use. Now, I have been
added into a
community data pack by a group leader. If I start browsing,
which one
will get exhaust first ?
Your Data STV gains the first priority followed by Community
data pack.If a
member/child is having any other data STVs subscribed to
his/her own
account, the Group account will come into effect only after
his/her own
data STVs get exhausted i.e., Group account will have lowest
priority than
other STVs. After exhausting the Group account, customer
will start
draining his main account.
12.As a member of a Community Data Pack, can I subscribe to
any other
Top Ups or STVs?
Both the parent subscriber and the Child subscriber can
recharge his
account with other Top-Ups / STVs
13.How many Child/Member, a Group leader/parent can add when
group is being formed ?
The Group leader/parent must add a minimum of one
when he forms the Group for sharing the data.
14.Whether this Data Sharing facility can be availed by all
BSNL Customers ?
Customers of any South Zone BSNL Prepaid Plan can be brought
under this
data sharing with the exception – Customers who have already
themselves under SMALL CUG scheme (other than Corporate VPN)
not subscribe to Data Sharing. If they do so, the CUG voice
call will be
charged as per plan.
Full Talk Value & Extra Talk Value BSNL Kerala
Full Talk Value & Extra Talk Value Offers under prepaid mobile services from 4-4-2016
Full Talk value offer on Top up 220
Extra Talk Value on Top Up 550 with Talk value of 575
Extra Talk Value on Top Up 1100 with Talk value of 1200
Full Talk value offer on Top up 220
Extra Talk Value on Top Up 550 with Talk value of 575
Extra Talk Value on Top Up 1100 with Talk value of 1200
Special FTT and Extra Talk Value offer CHTD
FTT and Extra Talk Value offer on Topup in prepaid mobile services
It is hereby conveyed for launching of Special FTT and Extra
Talk Value on the following Topup in CHTD including (Tamilnadu LSA) under GSM
prepaid mobile service
The above offer will be applicable from 04.04.2016 till further orders through CTopup /FlexiTopup & Web portal also. |
60% Discount on data usage beyond free usage for POST PAID MOBILE : BSNL
60% Discount on data usage beyond free usage for POST PAID MOBILE :
60% discount on data usage beyond free data is implemented for postpaid subscribers including EB customers who have opted for the following Add on data plans
1.Add-On 50
2. Add-On 75
3. Add-On 170
4. Add-On 225
5. Add-On 501
6. Add-On 666
7. Add-On 901
8.Add-On 1711
9.Annual Data plan 2940
10. Annual Data plan 2050
10. Annual Data plan 1110
The 60% discount will be applicable on all bills raised on and after 1st April 2016
Free data offered under postpaid voice plans will be applicable in home LSA as well as in roaming
60% discount on data usage beyond free data is implemented for postpaid subscribers including EB customers who have opted for the following Add on data plans
1.Add-On 50
2. Add-On 75
3. Add-On 170
4. Add-On 225
5. Add-On 501
6. Add-On 666
7. Add-On 901
8.Add-On 1711
9.Annual Data plan 2940
10. Annual Data plan 2050
10. Annual Data plan 1110
The 60% discount will be applicable on all bills raised on and after 1st April 2016
Free data offered under postpaid voice plans will be applicable in home LSA as well as in roaming
Data tariff under Post-paid Mobile services in Karnataka Circle w.e.f. 01-04-2016
Data tariff under Post-paid Mobile services in Karnataka
has been revised w.e.f. 01-04-2016 as below:
I. 60% discount on data usage beyond free data for postpaid
subscribers including EB customers who have opted for the
following ADD-ON Data plans.
(i) Add-On 50
(ii) Add-On 75
(iii) Add-On 170
(iv) Add-On 225
(v) Add-On 501
(vi) Add-On 666
(vii) Add-On 901
(viii) Add-On 1711
(ix) Annual Data plan 2940
(x) Annual Data plan 2050
(xi) Annual Data plan 1110
Note: This will be applicable on all bills raised on and
after 1st April 2016. Those post-paid customers who are
using data without subscribing data ADD-ON will be charged
at prevailing rate as defined in Plan without this
II. Free Data offered under Postpaid Voice Plans will be
applicable in
Home LSA as well as in Roaming
Special Full / Extra Usage Value offer Karnataka BSNL
Special Full / Extra Usage Value offer on following topups
prepaid mobile service in Karnataka circle w.e.f 04-04-2016
further order as under:
1. Full Usage Value * offer on top-up of Rs.220/-,
Rs.2200/-Rs.2500/- & Rs.3000/-
(*Due to System limitation, The Usage Value credited will be
Rs.1999.9945 for Rs.2000/-; Rs.2199.9827 for Rs.2200/-; Rs.2499.9926 for
Rs.2500/-; Rs.2999.9964 for Rs.3000/-)
2. Extra Usage Value offer on
(i) Top-Up Rs.550/- :
Usage Value: Rs.575/-*.
(ii) Top-Up Rs.1100/- : Usage Value: Rs.1200/-*.
(*Due to System limitation, The Usage Value credited will be
Rs.574.9967 for Rs.550/-; Rs.1199.9928 for Rs.1100/-
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