

QtADB Android Manager for Linux, Windows and MacOS

QtADB Android Manager for Linux, Windows and MacOS

XDA member 7ymekk presents this interesting manager version in c++. If you copy or remove your files and applications from PC to Android, you may find it useful. It features copying files and directories between phone and computer, removing files and directories, creating new ones, Installing/removing apps, flash boot loader, radio and recovery, boot recovery and the list goes on with this complete tool for those who like to spend some time learning this tool. The developer included more features like messages: reading, sending, receiving (balloon in system tray), customizing sms view, contacts: reading, adding, deleting, importing from file, sync, amongst others.
Available in English, Italian, German, Hungarian and Czech and for Linux, Windows and MacOs.
This is an advanced tool, so please proceed with caution.
Originally posted by 7ymekk
[TOOL]QtADB (AndroidManager for Linux, Windows and MacOS)
QtADB is window app based on lets you to copy,remove etc your files and apps from PC and Android Phone
This app is under developing so be tolerant for any bug…
visit QtADB website:
1. File manager
-copying files and dirs between phone and computer
-removing files and dirs
-creating new dir
-and other
2. App manager
-installing apps
-removing apps
-creating backup of apps with data
-restoring backups of apps with data
3. Shell
-opens android shell
messages: reading, sending, receiving (balloon in system tray), customizing sms view ( in qml language…You can make Your own unique look!)
contacts: reading, adding, deleting, importing from file etc…
logcat with coloring logs and filters: debug/info/warning/error, tag, pid, message


1. File manager
-copying files and dirs between phone and computer
-removing files and dirs
-creating new dir
-and other

2. App manager
-installing apps
-removing apps
-creating backup of apps with data
-restoring backups of apps with data

3. Shell
-opens android shell

4. Screenshot
-take screenshot of your device
-save screenshot to png file

5. Fastboot
-flash bootloader, radio and recovery
-boot recovery

6. Recovery
-nandroid backup/restore
-wipe data
-flash rom
-wipe battery stats
-fix uid mismatches

7. Reboot
-to bootloader
-to recovery
-normal reboot

8. Settings
-set font used by app
-set starting paths (or remember paths on exit)
-and other

9. Automatically detects phone (device, fastboot and recovery mode)

it requires installed AndroidSDK and busybox on phone (so and root)
linux and macOS version reguires installed Qt libraries(libqtgui4, libqt4-declarative and libqt4-network 4.7 version)(install it from synaptic or some similar app)

if you have connected phone but the file list is empty run with root permisions:
1)adb kill-server
2)adb start-server
create file:
gksudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
and insert this line:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666"


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