Unlimited Data -Speed reduced to 80kbps after 1.5 GB/Day , Unlimited BSNL Calls & BSNL Tune for 60 days , Recharge Rs.444/
Unlimited Data -Speed reduced to 80kbps after 1.5 GB/Day , Unlimited BSNL Calls & BSNL Tune for 60 days , Recharge Rs.444/
Revision of ISD Tariff for certain Pacific Island destination under GSM Prepaid mobile services BSNL
Revision of ISD Tariff for certain Pacific Island destination
under GSM Prepaid mobile services
It is hereby conveyed that the ISD tariff for certain Pacific Island Destination is revised w.e.f 10.03.2018, in CHTD (including Tamilnadu Circle), under GSM Prepaid mobile services as detailed below:
Revision in ISD Tariff for the following Destinations: Sl.No Country Country code Area code REVISED Charges in BSNL n/w (Rs./Min) w.e.f 10.03.2018 Charges while roaming in MTNL n/w (Rs./Min) w.e.f 10.03.2018 1 Tonga 676 All 74 74 2 Vanuatu 678 All 67 67 3 Western Samoa 685 All 67 67 4 Nauru 674 All 103 103 5 Suriname 597 All 29 29 6 Niue Island 683 All 123 123 7 Tokelau 690 All 109 109 8 Kiribati 686 All 109 109 No change in the ISD Tariff for the following Destinations: Sl.No Country Country code Area code Charges in BSNL n/w (Rs./Min) Charges while roaming in MTNL n/w (Rs./Min) 1 Papua Guinea 675 All 100 100 2 Haiti 509 All 25 25 3 Mexico 52 All 15 15 4 New Caledonia 687 All 15 15 5 Cook Island 682 All 100 100
It is hereby conveyed that the ISD tariff for certain Pacific Island Destination is revised w.e.f 10.03.2018, in CHTD (including Tamilnadu Circle), under GSM Prepaid mobile services as detailed below:
Revision in ISD Tariff for the following Destinations: Sl.No Country Country code Area code REVISED Charges in BSNL n/w (Rs./Min) w.e.f 10.03.2018 Charges while roaming in MTNL n/w (Rs./Min) w.e.f 10.03.2018 1 Tonga 676 All 74 74 2 Vanuatu 678 All 67 67 3 Western Samoa 685 All 67 67 4 Nauru 674 All 103 103 5 Suriname 597 All 29 29 6 Niue Island 683 All 123 123 7 Tokelau 690 All 109 109 8 Kiribati 686 All 109 109 No change in the ISD Tariff for the following Destinations: Sl.No Country Country code Area code Charges in BSNL n/w (Rs./Min) Charges while roaming in MTNL n/w (Rs./Min) 1 Papua Guinea 675 All 100 100 2 Haiti 509 All 25 25 3 Mexico 52 All 15 15 4 New Caledonia 687 All 15 15 5 Cook Island 682 All 100 100
BSNL Launching of Outbound CAMEL (Pre-paid) Roaming Service
Launching of Outbound CAMEL (Pre-paid) Roaming Services for the
Chennai Telephones customers’ Roaming
in M/s Etisalat Network in UAE
It is hereby conveyed that the Roaming Services for the CHTD customers’ Roaming in M/s Etisalat Network in UAE, is implemented with immediate effect. Tariff details are given below:
Item Tariff Mobile Originated Call (Local & National) Rs.48.98 / Minute Mobile Originated Call to India Rs.178.37 / Minute Mobile Terminated call Rs.52.00 / Minute Mobile Origination SMS Rs.27.73 Mobile Terminated SMS Re.0 DATA(GPRS) Rs.29.57 / 50 kb Mobile Originated Calls to Other Countries Tariff in INR /Minute Group 1 60.07 Group 2 73.94 Group 3 88.72 Group 4 118.30 Group 5 148.79 Group 6 178.37 Group 7 208.87 Group 8 267.09 Group 9 386.31 Rest of World 594.25 IMMARSAT 552.67 Note (1) Group wise List of countries are attached in Annexure & detailed tariff uploaded on (2) To Avail this Service, the Prepaid Customers are required to submit their Existing prepaid SIM and collect New International Roaming SIM (Dual SIM) at CSC. Tariff is subject to revision from time to time, based on the Tariff agreement revisions between BSNL and M/s ETISALAT of UAE. BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES ANNEXURE 1. COUNTRY NAME CC GROUP 1 Bahrain 973 Kuwait 965 Oman 968 Qatar 974 Saudi Arabia 966 GROUP 2 American Samoa 1 Prefix 1684 Aruba 297 Belize 501 Costa Rica 506 French Guiana 594 French Polynesia 689 Greenland 299 Guadeloupe 590 Lesotho 266 Martinique 596 Mayotte 262 New Caledonia 687 Panama 507 Papua New Guinea 675 Reunion 262 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 508 Uruguay 598 GROUP 3 Ascension 247 Burundi 257 Cape Verde 238 Central African Republic 236 Syrian Arab Republic 963 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 500 Pakistan 92 Guinea 224 Haiti 509 Nepal 977 Nicaragua 505 Somalia 252 Viet Nam 84 Bangladesh 880 BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES Iran, Islamic Republic 98 Jordan 962 Lebanon 961 GROUP 4 Cook Islands 682 Djibouti 253 Fiji 679 Gibraltar 350 Yemen 967 Kiribati 686 Nauru 674 Palau 680 Rwanda 250 Seychelles 248 San Marino 378 Sierra Leone 232 South Africa 27 Sudan (The Republic) 249 Swaziland 268 Thailand 66 Tonga 676 Tuvalu 688 Wallis and Futuna 681 Angola 244 Mauritania 222 Togo 228 Taiwan 886 Tunisia 216 Ghana 233 South Sudan Republic 211 GROUP 5 Afghanistan 93 Anguilla 1 Prefix 1264 Bosnia and Herzegovina 387 Myanmar 95 Guinea-Bissau 245 Diego Garcia 246 Dominica 1 Prefix 1767 East Timor 670 China 86 Norway 47 Ecuador 593 BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES Guam 1 Prefix 1671 Northern Mariana Islands 1 Prefix 1670 Micronesia, Federated States 691 Montserrat 1 Prefix 1664 Niue 683 Norfolk Island 672 Prefix 6723 Iraq 964 Singapore 65 Paraguay 595 Korea, Republic of 82 Greece 30 Puerto Rico 1 Prefix 1787, 1939 Turks and Caicos Islands 1 Prefix 1649 Uganda 256 Vanuatu 678 Bhutan 975 Nigeria 234 Ethiopia 251 Eritrea 291 GROUP 6 Brunei Darussalam 673 Chile 56 Congo, The Democratic 243 Congo 242 El Salvador 503 Bolivia (Plurinational of) 591 Antigua and Barbuda 1 Prefix 1268 Senegal 221 Bulgaria 359 Kitts and Nevis 1 Prefix 1869 Saint Lucia 1 Prefix 1758 India 91 Mexico 52 Guatemala 502 Malaysia 60 Dominican Republic 1 Prefix 1809, 1829, 1849 Kyrgyzstan 996 Liberia 231 Marshall Islands 692 Mauritius 230 Gambia 220 Namibia 264 BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES Georgia 995 Canada 1 United States 1 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 Prefix 1784 Tokelau 690 Jamaica 1 Prefix 1876 Algeria 213 Honduras 504 Sao Tome and Principe 239 Egypt 20 Samoa 685 Solomon Islands 677 Saint Helena 290 Suriname 597 Sweden 46 Colombia 57 Bermuda 1 Prefix 1441 Cayman Islands 1 Prefix 1345 Trinidad and Tobago 1 Prefix 1868 United Kingdom 44 Guyana 592 Australia 61 Libya 218 British Virgin Islands 1 Prefix 1284 Grenada 1 Prefix 1473 Alaska 1 Prefix 1907 Virgin Islands, U.S. 1 Prefix 1340 Hawai 1 Prefix 1808 Peru 51 GROUP 7 Albania 355 Netherlands 31 Romania 40 Luxembourg 352 Cambodia 855 Ireland 353 Ukraine 380 Bahamas 1 Prefix 1242 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic 58 Austria 43 Netherlands Antilles 599 BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES Kazakhstan # Please refer end of this document Maldives 960 Malawi 265 Macedonia,the former Yugoslav Republic 389 Barbados 1 Prefix 1246 Germany 49 Argentina 54 Faroe Islands 298 Finland 358 Hungary 36 Slovaki 421 Maritime Communication (MCP) 882 Prefix 88232 GROUP 8 Azerbaijan 994 Botswana 267 Cuba 53 France 33 Korea,Democratic People's Republic 850 Portugal 351 Estonia 372 Moldova, Republic 373 Spain 34 Gabon 241 Tanzania, United republic 255 Italy 39 Tajikistan 992 C^ote d'Ivoire 225 Kenya 254 Mali 223 Niger 227 Madagascar 261 Andorra 376 Latvia 371 New Zealand 64 Hong Kong 852 Belgium 32 Sri Lanka 94 Czech Republic 420 BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES Mongolia 976 Philippines 63 Poland 48 Morocco 212 Armenia 374 Liechtenstein 423 Slovenia 386 Brazil 55 Cyprus 357 Comoros 269 Switzerland 41 Indonesia 62 Palestine, State of 970 Croatia 385 Palestine 972 GROUP 9 Belarus 375 Cameroon 237 Macao 853 Japan 81 Monaco 377 Lithuania 370 Zimbabwe 263 Thuraya 882 Prefix 88216 Chad 235 Burkina Faso 226 Serbia 381 Montenegro 382 Turkmenistan 993 Uzbekistan 998 Mozambique 258 Turkey 90 Malta 356 Russian Federation 7 Iceland 354 Denmark 45 Lao People's Democratic Republic 856 Equatorial Guinea 240 Zambia 260 Australian Satellite Services 61 Prefix 61145 GROUP row Rest of the world BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES # Kazakhstan Codes Inmarsat Inmarsat 870 Inmarsat (Atlantic Ocean-East) 871 Inmarsat (Atlantic Ocean-West) 874 Inmarsat (India Ocean) 873 DESCRIPTION DESTINATION_CODE Kazakhstan10 +7718 Kazakhstan11 +7721 Kazakhstan12 +7722 Kazakhstan13 +7723 Kazakhstan14 +7724 Kazakhstan15 +7725 Kazakhstan16 +7726 Kazakhstan17 +7727 Kazakhstan18 +7728 Kazakhstan19 +7729 Kazakhstan2 +7710 Kazakhstan20 +7736 Kazakhstan3 +7711 Kazakhstan-Mobile5 +7574 Kazakhstan4 +7712 Kazakhstan-Mobile6 +7700 Kazakhstan5 +7713 Kazakhstan6 +7714 Kazakhstan7 +7715 Kazakhstan8 +7716 Kazakhstan9 +7717 Kazakhstan-Mobile 7764 +7764 Kazakhstan-Mobile 7771 +7771 Kazakhstan-Mobile 7775 +7775 Kazakhstan-Mobile1 +7333 Kazakhstan-Mobile10 +7707 Kazakhstan-Mobile11 +7760 Kazakhstan-Mobile12 +7761 Kazakhstan-Mobile13 +7762 Kazakhstan-Mobile14 +7763 Kazakhstan-Mobile15 +7777 Kazakhstan-Mobile16 +77129 Kazakhstan-Mobile17 +77139 Kazakhstan-Mobile18 +77149 Kazakhstan-Mobile19 +77159 Kazakhstan-Mobile2 +7570 BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES Kazakhstan-Mobile20 +77179 Kazakhstan-Mobile21 +77189 Kazakhstan-Mobile22 +77219 Kazakhstan-Mobile23 +77239 DESCRIPTION DESTINATION_CODE Kazakhstan-Mobile24 +77249 Kazakhstan-Mobile25 +77259 Kazakhstan-Mobile26 +77269 Kazakhstan-Mobile27 +77279 Kazakhstan-Mobile28 +772758 Kazakhstan-Mobile3 +7571 Kazakhstan-Mobile4 +7573 Kazakhstan-Mobile7 +7701 Kazakhstan-Mobile8 +7702 Kazakhstan-Mobile9 +7705
It is hereby conveyed that the Roaming Services for the CHTD customers’ Roaming in M/s Etisalat Network in UAE, is implemented with immediate effect. Tariff details are given below:
Item Tariff Mobile Originated Call (Local & National) Rs.48.98 / Minute Mobile Originated Call to India Rs.178.37 / Minute Mobile Terminated call Rs.52.00 / Minute Mobile Origination SMS Rs.27.73 Mobile Terminated SMS Re.0 DATA(GPRS) Rs.29.57 / 50 kb Mobile Originated Calls to Other Countries Tariff in INR /Minute Group 1 60.07 Group 2 73.94 Group 3 88.72 Group 4 118.30 Group 5 148.79 Group 6 178.37 Group 7 208.87 Group 8 267.09 Group 9 386.31 Rest of World 594.25 IMMARSAT 552.67 Note (1) Group wise List of countries are attached in Annexure & detailed tariff uploaded on (2) To Avail this Service, the Prepaid Customers are required to submit their Existing prepaid SIM and collect New International Roaming SIM (Dual SIM) at CSC. Tariff is subject to revision from time to time, based on the Tariff agreement revisions between BSNL and M/s ETISALAT of UAE. BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES ANNEXURE 1. COUNTRY NAME CC GROUP 1 Bahrain 973 Kuwait 965 Oman 968 Qatar 974 Saudi Arabia 966 GROUP 2 American Samoa 1 Prefix 1684 Aruba 297 Belize 501 Costa Rica 506 French Guiana 594 French Polynesia 689 Greenland 299 Guadeloupe 590 Lesotho 266 Martinique 596 Mayotte 262 New Caledonia 687 Panama 507 Papua New Guinea 675 Reunion 262 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 508 Uruguay 598 GROUP 3 Ascension 247 Burundi 257 Cape Verde 238 Central African Republic 236 Syrian Arab Republic 963 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 500 Pakistan 92 Guinea 224 Haiti 509 Nepal 977 Nicaragua 505 Somalia 252 Viet Nam 84 Bangladesh 880 BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES Iran, Islamic Republic 98 Jordan 962 Lebanon 961 GROUP 4 Cook Islands 682 Djibouti 253 Fiji 679 Gibraltar 350 Yemen 967 Kiribati 686 Nauru 674 Palau 680 Rwanda 250 Seychelles 248 San Marino 378 Sierra Leone 232 South Africa 27 Sudan (The Republic) 249 Swaziland 268 Thailand 66 Tonga 676 Tuvalu 688 Wallis and Futuna 681 Angola 244 Mauritania 222 Togo 228 Taiwan 886 Tunisia 216 Ghana 233 South Sudan Republic 211 GROUP 5 Afghanistan 93 Anguilla 1 Prefix 1264 Bosnia and Herzegovina 387 Myanmar 95 Guinea-Bissau 245 Diego Garcia 246 Dominica 1 Prefix 1767 East Timor 670 China 86 Norway 47 Ecuador 593 BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES Guam 1 Prefix 1671 Northern Mariana Islands 1 Prefix 1670 Micronesia, Federated States 691 Montserrat 1 Prefix 1664 Niue 683 Norfolk Island 672 Prefix 6723 Iraq 964 Singapore 65 Paraguay 595 Korea, Republic of 82 Greece 30 Puerto Rico 1 Prefix 1787, 1939 Turks and Caicos Islands 1 Prefix 1649 Uganda 256 Vanuatu 678 Bhutan 975 Nigeria 234 Ethiopia 251 Eritrea 291 GROUP 6 Brunei Darussalam 673 Chile 56 Congo, The Democratic 243 Congo 242 El Salvador 503 Bolivia (Plurinational of) 591 Antigua and Barbuda 1 Prefix 1268 Senegal 221 Bulgaria 359 Kitts and Nevis 1 Prefix 1869 Saint Lucia 1 Prefix 1758 India 91 Mexico 52 Guatemala 502 Malaysia 60 Dominican Republic 1 Prefix 1809, 1829, 1849 Kyrgyzstan 996 Liberia 231 Marshall Islands 692 Mauritius 230 Gambia 220 Namibia 264 BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES Georgia 995 Canada 1 United States 1 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 Prefix 1784 Tokelau 690 Jamaica 1 Prefix 1876 Algeria 213 Honduras 504 Sao Tome and Principe 239 Egypt 20 Samoa 685 Solomon Islands 677 Saint Helena 290 Suriname 597 Sweden 46 Colombia 57 Bermuda 1 Prefix 1441 Cayman Islands 1 Prefix 1345 Trinidad and Tobago 1 Prefix 1868 United Kingdom 44 Guyana 592 Australia 61 Libya 218 British Virgin Islands 1 Prefix 1284 Grenada 1 Prefix 1473 Alaska 1 Prefix 1907 Virgin Islands, U.S. 1 Prefix 1340 Hawai 1 Prefix 1808 Peru 51 GROUP 7 Albania 355 Netherlands 31 Romania 40 Luxembourg 352 Cambodia 855 Ireland 353 Ukraine 380 Bahamas 1 Prefix 1242 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic 58 Austria 43 Netherlands Antilles 599 BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES Kazakhstan # Please refer end of this document Maldives 960 Malawi 265 Macedonia,the former Yugoslav Republic 389 Barbados 1 Prefix 1246 Germany 49 Argentina 54 Faroe Islands 298 Finland 358 Hungary 36 Slovaki 421 Maritime Communication (MCP) 882 Prefix 88232 GROUP 8 Azerbaijan 994 Botswana 267 Cuba 53 France 33 Korea,Democratic People's Republic 850 Portugal 351 Estonia 372 Moldova, Republic 373 Spain 34 Gabon 241 Tanzania, United republic 255 Italy 39 Tajikistan 992 C^ote d'Ivoire 225 Kenya 254 Mali 223 Niger 227 Madagascar 261 Andorra 376 Latvia 371 New Zealand 64 Hong Kong 852 Belgium 32 Sri Lanka 94 Czech Republic 420 BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES Mongolia 976 Philippines 63 Poland 48 Morocco 212 Armenia 374 Liechtenstein 423 Slovenia 386 Brazil 55 Cyprus 357 Comoros 269 Switzerland 41 Indonesia 62 Palestine, State of 970 Croatia 385 Palestine 972 GROUP 9 Belarus 375 Cameroon 237 Macao 853 Japan 81 Monaco 377 Lithuania 370 Zimbabwe 263 Thuraya 882 Prefix 88216 Chad 235 Burkina Faso 226 Serbia 381 Montenegro 382 Turkmenistan 993 Uzbekistan 998 Mozambique 258 Turkey 90 Malta 356 Russian Federation 7 Iceland 354 Denmark 45 Lao People's Democratic Republic 856 Equatorial Guinea 240 Zambia 260 Australian Satellite Services 61 Prefix 61145 GROUP row Rest of the world BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES # Kazakhstan Codes Inmarsat Inmarsat 870 Inmarsat (Atlantic Ocean-East) 871 Inmarsat (Atlantic Ocean-West) 874 Inmarsat (India Ocean) 873 DESCRIPTION DESTINATION_CODE Kazakhstan10 +7718 Kazakhstan11 +7721 Kazakhstan12 +7722 Kazakhstan13 +7723 Kazakhstan14 +7724 Kazakhstan15 +7725 Kazakhstan16 +7726 Kazakhstan17 +7727 Kazakhstan18 +7728 Kazakhstan19 +7729 Kazakhstan2 +7710 Kazakhstan20 +7736 Kazakhstan3 +7711 Kazakhstan-Mobile5 +7574 Kazakhstan4 +7712 Kazakhstan-Mobile6 +7700 Kazakhstan5 +7713 Kazakhstan6 +7714 Kazakhstan7 +7715 Kazakhstan8 +7716 Kazakhstan9 +7717 Kazakhstan-Mobile 7764 +7764 Kazakhstan-Mobile 7771 +7771 Kazakhstan-Mobile 7775 +7775 Kazakhstan-Mobile1 +7333 Kazakhstan-Mobile10 +7707 Kazakhstan-Mobile11 +7760 Kazakhstan-Mobile12 +7761 Kazakhstan-Mobile13 +7762 Kazakhstan-Mobile14 +7763 Kazakhstan-Mobile15 +7777 Kazakhstan-Mobile16 +77129 Kazakhstan-Mobile17 +77139 Kazakhstan-Mobile18 +77149 Kazakhstan-Mobile19 +77159 Kazakhstan-Mobile2 +7570 BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES Kazakhstan-Mobile20 +77179 Kazakhstan-Mobile21 +77189 Kazakhstan-Mobile22 +77219 Kazakhstan-Mobile23 +77239 DESCRIPTION DESTINATION_CODE Kazakhstan-Mobile24 +77249 Kazakhstan-Mobile25 +77259 Kazakhstan-Mobile26 +77269 Kazakhstan-Mobile27 +77279 Kazakhstan-Mobile28 +772758 Kazakhstan-Mobile3 +7571 Kazakhstan-Mobile4 +7573 Kazakhstan-Mobile7 +7701 Kazakhstan-Mobile8 +7702 Kazakhstan-Mobile9 +7705
PV-113 ‘Jai Jawan’ Plan working under Prepaid Mobile Services in Karnataka Circle has been withdrawn w.e.f. 03-03-2018.
Karnataka Telecom Circle
PV-113 ‘Jai Jawan’ Plan working under Prepaid Mobile
Services in Karnataka Circle has been withdrawn
w.e.f. 03-03-2018.
new FMC Plan-399 as “Ghar wapsi” plan w.e.f 01.03.2018
Introduction of new FMC Plan-399 as “Ghar wapsi” plan
w.e.f 01.03.2018
under Postpaid mobile services
It is hereby conveyed that the Ghar Wapsi, Plan-399 Postpaid plan
is introduced w.e.f 01.03.2018, in CHTD (including Tamilnadu
Circle), under GSM Postpaid mobile services with the Features
and “Terms & Conditions” as detailed below:
Particulars "Ghar Wapsi" Plan-399
a)FMC Rs.399/-
(Exclusive of GST)
b) Data 30 GB free data
c) Voice (LCL/STD) any net in
Unlimited voice
Note: All Other tariff not mentioned above, as per "Plan-799"
BSNL offers
Prepaid STV99
Unlimited voice calls (local/STD)
Any Network in Home LSA &
national roaming
(excluding Delhi & Mumbai)
+ free BSNLTune(to change dial 56700).
Validity 26 days.
Prepaid STV VOICE 319
Unlimited voice calls (local/STD)
Any Network in Home LSA &
national roaming
Validity 90days.
Prepaid Plan 485
Freebies for 90days:
Unlimited Voice calls
Any Network Local/STD/Roaming
excluding Mumbai&Delhi
+ Free DATA 1.5GB/day
+ Free 100SMS/day.T&C .
Prepaid Plan 429
Freebies for 81 days:
Unlimited Voice calls
Any Network Local/STD/Roaming
excluding Mumbai&Delhi
+ Free DATA 1GB/day
+ Free 100 SMS/day.T&C
repaid Sixer Plan 666
Freebies for 129days:
Unlimited VoiceCalls
Any Network Local/STD/Roaming
except Mumbai&Delhi
+ Free DATA 1.5GB/day
+ Free100 SMS/day Anynet. T&C