


WhoCrashed reveals the drivers responsible for crashing your computer

Whenever a computer running Windows suddenly reboots without displaying any notice or blue screen of death, the first thing that is often thought about is a hardware failure. In reality, most crashes are caused by malfunctioning device drivers and kernel modules. In case of a kernel error, most computers running Windows do not show a blue screen unless they are configured to do so. Instead these systems suddenly reboot without any notice.

WhoCrashed shows the drivers that have been crashing your computer with a single click. In most cases it can pinpoint the offending drivers that have been causing misery on your computer system in the past. It does post-mortem crashdump analysis and presents all gathered information in a comprehensible way.

Normally, debugging skills and a set of debugging tools are required to do post-mortem crash dump analysis. By using this utility you do not need any debugging skills to be able to find out what drivers are causing trouble to your computer.

If your computer crashed and produced a blue screen
It is suggested that you run WhoCrashed. WhoCrashed will analyze the crash dump files available on your computer and create a conclusion. It will inform you about responsible drivers and offer suggestions on how to proceed.

If your computer unexpectedly reset or shut down
If your computer unexpectedly reset or shut down, it is suggested that you run WhoCrashed. WhoCrashed will tell you if crash dumps are enabled on your computer, if not it will offer you suggestions on how to enable them.
Click here for more information about sudden resets and shut downs.

If your computer crashes during the boot phase
If your computer crashes during system startup it is suggested that you boot into safe mode and then run WhoCrashed. Check out this article for information on how to boot into safe mode.

Screen shot

Note that WhoCrashed cannot always be exactly sure about the root cause of a system crash. Because all kernel modules run in the same address space, any driver or other kernel module can potentially corrupt another. Also, any driver may be able to cause problems to any other driver that runs in the same device stack. This is to say this software is not guaranteed to identify the culprit in every scenario.
The application that I was running suddenly crashed but WhoCrashed tells me nothing about it
WhoCrashed does not report application crashes but only reports system crashes such as sudden resets and blue screens of death.

I clicked the Analyze button but nothing seems to happen, what is wrong ?
Please scroll down the page using the arrows or scrollbar to read the rest of the report.

I clicked the Analyze button and I receive a 'file access denied' error, what is wrong ?
Please make sure you are logged on with administrator privileges.

Crash dumps are enabled on my computer. My computer crashed, but it tells me there are no dump files. What could be wrong ?
Check out the following article: If crashdumps are not written out.

Why some options are not available or greyed out in the home edition ?
These features have been disabled in the home edition and are only available in the pro edition.

What is the difference between the home and the pro version ?
Check out the following page: WhoCrashed Professional.

WhoCrashed documentation and articles
 · Introduction 
 · Supported Operating Systems
 · Professional Edition
 · What's new in v4 ?
 · Upgrade Policy
 · FAQ
 · Using WhoCrashed
 · Troubleshooting tips and general recommendations
 · Unexpected resets and shut dows
 · Enabling Crash Dumps
 · If crash dumps are not written out
 · Thermal Issues
 · Symbol Resolution
 · Using Driver Verifier
 · Remote System Configuration
 · Crash Dump Test
 · Advanced Options

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