Launch of Outbound CAMEL (prepaid) International Roaming Services for the Chennai
Telephones Customers Roaming in M/s Mobitel Network of Srilanka
It is hereby conveyed for implementation of Roaming Services for Chennai
Telephones Pre-paid customers Roaming in M/s Mobitel Network of Srilanka, with
immediate effect. Tariff details are given below:
Type of Call Tariff
Mobile Originated Call (Local & National) Rs.33.04/Minute
Mobile Originated Call to India Rs.208.54/Minute
Mobile Terminated call Rs.33.04/Minute
Mobile Originated SMS Rs.23.74/ SMS
Mobile Terminated SMS Re.0.00 / SMS
DATA(GPRS) Rs.4.13/10 KB
Mobile Originated Calls to Other Countries Tariff in Rs./Minute
Zone- A1 & A2 208.54
Zone- B1 & B2 322.10
Zone- C1 & C2 342.75
Zone- D1 404.70
Zone- D2 412.95
Zone- E1 & E2 549.23
Customer Care, Police, Fire, Ambulance 0.00
1. Zone wise list of countries is as per the Annexure.
2. Detailed Tariff is available in
3. Tariff mentioned above is meant for basic Voice & Data Calls.
4. To avail this Service, the Prepaid Customers are required to submit their
Existing prepaid SIM and collect New International Roaming SIM (Dual IMSI
Seamless SIM) at CSC.
5. With effect from 05.11.2018, International roaming facility will be available
to the pre-paid Customers only after activation of the STV IR57. This applies
for the existing international Pre-paid roamers also.
6. Tariff is subject to revision from time to time, based on the Tariff agreement
revisions between BSNL and M/s Mobitel, Srilanka.
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Bangladesh (BGD, 880), India (IND, 91), Maldives (MDV, 960), Nepal (NPL, 977),
Pakistan (PAK, 92)
Australia (AUS, 61), Brunei Darussalam (BRN, 673), Hong Kong (HKG, 852),
Indonesia (IDN, 62), Japan (JPN, 81), Korea - Republic (KOR, 82), Malaysia (MYS, 60),
New Zealand (NZL, 64), Singapore (SGP, 65), Taiwan (TWN, 886), Thailand (THA, 66)
Cook Islands (COK, 682), Fiji (FJI, 679), Korea - Democratic People's Republic (PRK,
850), Macau (MAC, 853), Papua New Guinea (PNG, 675), Philippines (PHL, 63)
Bahrain (BHR, 973), Canada (CAN, 1), Cyprus (CYP, 357), Germany (DEU, 49), Italy
(ITA, 39), Kuwait (KWT, 965), Norway (NOR, 47), Oman (OMN, 968), Qatar (QAT,
974), Switzerland (CHE, 41), United Arab Emirates (ARE, 971), United Kingdom
(GBR, 44), United States (USA, 1)
Belgium (BEL, 32), Finland (FIN, 358), Ghana (GHA, 233), Greece (GRC, 30), Ireland
(IRL, 353), Jordan (JOR, 962), Mauritius (MUS, 230), Seychelles (SYC, 248), South
Africa (ZAF, 27), Sweden (SWE, 46), Tonga (TON, 676), Trinidad and Tobago (TTO,
1868), Ukraine (UKR, 380)
Austria (AUT, 43), China (CHN, 86), Egypt (EGY, 20), France (FRA, 33), Netherlands
(NLD, 31), Russian Federation (RUS, 7), Saudi Arabia (SAU, 966), Spain (ESP, 34),
Turkey (TUR, 90)
Afghanistan (AFG, 93), Albania (ALB, 355), Algeria (DZA, 213), American Samoa
(ASM, 1684), Andorra (AND, 376), Angola (AGO, 244), Antarctica (ATA, 672),
Antigua and Barbuda (ATG, 1268), Argentina (ARG, 54), Armenia (ARM, 374), Aruba
(ABW, 297), Azerbaijan (AZE, 994), Bahamas (BHS, 1242), Barbados (BRB, 1246),
Belarus (BLR, 375), Belize (BLZ, 501), Benin (BEN, 229), Bermuda (BMU, 1441),
Bolivia (BOL, 591), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH, 387), Botswana (BWA, 267), Brazil
3 of 4 | P a g e s
(BRA, 55), British Indian Ocean (IOT, 246), Bulgaria (BGR, 359), Burkina Faso (BFA,
226), Burundi (BDI, 257), Cambodia (KHM, 855), Cameroon (CMR, 237), Cape Verde
(CPV, 238), Cayman Island (CYM, 1345), Central African Republic (CAF, 236), Chad
(TCD, 235), Chile (CHL, 56), Colombia (COL, 57), Comoros (COM, 269), Congo (COG,
242), Costa Rica (CRI, 506), Cote D'Ivoire (CIV, 225), Croatia (local name: Hrvatska)
(HRV, 385), Cuba (CUB, 53), Czech Republic (CZE, 420), Denmark (DNK, 45), Djibouti
(DJI, 253), Dominica (DMA, 1767), Dominican Republic-Dominican Republic (DOM,
1809, 1829), Ecuador (ECU, 593), El Salvador (SLV, 503), Equatorial Guinea (GNQ,
240), Eritrea (ERI, 291), Estonia (EST, 372), Ethiopia (ETH, 251), Falkland Islands
(Malvinas) (FLK, 500), Faroe Islands (FRO, 298), French Guiana (GUF, 594), French
Polynesia (PYF, 689), Gabon (GAB, 241), Gambia (GMB, 220), Georgia (GEO, 995),
Gibraltar (GIB, 350), Greenland (GRL, 299), Grenada (GRD, 1473), Guadeloupe (GLP,
590), Guatemala (GTM, 502), Guinea (GIN, 224), Guinea-Bissau (GNB, 245), Guyana
(GUY, 592), Haiti (HTI, 509), Heard and MC Donald Islands (HMD, 61), Holy See
(Vatican City State) (VAT, 39), Honduras (HND, 504), Hungary (HUN, 36), Iceland
(ISL, 354), Iran (Islamic Republic of) (IRN, 98), Iraq (IRQ, 964), Israel (ISR, 972),
Jamaica (JAM, 1876), Kazakhstan (KAZ, 7), Kenya (KEN, 254), Kiribati (KIR, 686),
Kyrgyzstan (KGZ, 996), Lao People's Democratic Republic (LAO, 856), Latvia (LVA,
371), Lebanon (LBN, 961), Lesotho (LSO, 266), Liberia (LBR, 231), Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya (LBY, 218), Liechtenstein (LIE, 423), Lithuania (LTU, 370), Luxembourg
(LUX, 352), Macedonia (MKD, 389), Madagascar (MDG, 261), Malawi (MWI, 265),
Mali (MLI, 223), Malta (MLT, 356), Marshall Islands (MHL, 692), Martinique (MTQ,
596), Mauritania (MRT, 222), Mayotte (MYT, 262), Mexico (MEX, 52), Micronesia -
Federated States (FSM, 691), Moldova - Republic (MDA, 373), Monaco (MCO, 377),
Mongolia (MNG, 976), Montenegro (MNE, 382), Montserrat (MSR, 1664), Morocco
(MAR, 212), Mozambique (MOZ, 258), Myanmar (MMR, 95), Namibia (NAM, 264),
Nauru (NRU, 674), Netherlands Antilles (ANT, 599), New Caledonia (NCL, 687),
Nicaragua (NIC, 505), Niger (NER, 227), Nigeria (NGA, 234), Niue (NIU, 683), Norfolk
Island (NFK, 6723), Palestine (PSE, 970), Panama (PAN, 507), Paraguay (PRY, 595),
Peru (PER, 51), Poland (POL, 48), Portugal (PRT, 351), Puerto Rico (PRI, 1787, 1939),
Reunion (REU, 262), Romania (ROU, 40), Rwanda (RWA, 250), Saint Helena (SHN,
290), Saint Kitts and Nevis (KNA, 1869), Saint Lucia (LCA, 1758), Saint Pierre and
Miquelon (SPM, 508), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT, 1784), Samoa (WSM,
685), San Marino (SMR, 378), Sao Tome and Principe (STP, 239), Senegal (SEN, 221),
Serbia (SRB, 381), Sierra Leone (SLE, 232), Slovakia (Slovak Republic) (SVK, 421),
Slovenia (SVN, 386), Solomon Islands (SLB, 677), Somalia (SOM, 252), South Sudan
(SSD, 211), Sudan (SDN, 249), Suriname (SUR, 597), Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
(SJM, 47), Swaziland (SWZ, 268), Syrian Arab Republic (SYR, 963), Tajikistan (TJK,
992), Tanzania - United Republic (TZA, 255), Togo (TGO, 228), Tokelau (TKL, 690),
Tunisia (TUN, 216), Turkmenistan (TKM, 993),Turks and Caicos Islands (TCA, 1649),
4 of 4 | P a g e s
Tuvalu (TUV, 688), Uganda (UGA, 256), Uruguay (URY, 598), Uzbekistan (UZB, 998),
Vanuatu (VUT, 678), Venezuela (VEN, 58), Vietnam (VNM, 84), Virgin Islands
(British) (VGB, 1284), Yemen (YEM, 967), Zambia (ZMB, 260), Zimbabwe (ZWE, 263),
Congo – The Democratic Republic (COD, 243)
Sat-Inmarsat A Maritime (AOR-W)- Atlantic Ocean (8741), Sat-Inmarsat A Maritime
(IOR)- Indian Ocean (8731), Sat-Inmarsat A Maritime (POR)- Pacific Ocean (8721),
Sat-Inmarsat Aero (AOR-E)- Atlantic Ocean -East (8711), Sat-Inmarsat B HSD (AORW)- Atlantic Ocean - West (87439), Sat- Inmarsat B HSD (AOR-E)- Atlantic Ocean -
East (87139), Sat-Inmarsat B HSD (IOR)- Indian Ocean (87339), Sat-Inmarsat B HSD
(POR)- Pacific Ocean (87239), Sat-Inmarsat B Land (POR)- Pacific Ocean (87230),
Sat-Inmarsat B Maritime (IOR)- Indian Ocean (87338), Sat-Inmarsat B Maritime
(POR)- Pacific Ocean (87238), Sat-Inmarsat M HSD (AOR-W) - Atlantic Ocean - West
(87468), Sat- Inmarsat M HSD (IOR) - Indian Ocean (87368), Sat-Inmarsat M Land
(AOR-E)- Atlantic Ocean – East (87160), Sat-Inmarsat M Land (POR)- Pacific Ocean
(87260), Sat-Inmarsat M Maritime (AOR-E)- Atlantic Ocean -East (87169), SatInmarsat M Maritime (AOR-W)- Atlantic Ocean - West (87469), Sat- Inmarsat M
Maritime (IOR)- Indian Ocean (87369), Sat-Inmarsat M Maritime (POR)- Pacific
Ocean (87269), Sat-Inmarsat Mini M (AOR-E)- Atlantic Ocean - East (87176), SatInmarsat Mini M (AOR-W)- Atlantic Ocean - West (87476), Sat-Inmarsat Mini M
(IOR)- Indian Ocean (87376), Sat-Inmarsat Mini M (POR)- Pacific Ocean (87276), SatThuraya (88216)
Sat-Inmarsat A Maritime (AOR-E)- Atlantic Ocean -East (8715), Sat-Inmarsat Aero
(AOR-W)- Atlantic Ocean - West (8745), Sat-Inmarsat Aero (IOR)- Indian Ocean
(8735), Sat-Inmarsat Aero (POR)- Pacific Ocean (8725)
Police set 2
1121 (LKA, 112), 1181 (LKA, 118)
1Represents an Emergency number.
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