

BSNL offers GSM FWP with 2G SIM under 2G mobile services to the affected CDMA postpaid voice customers

Promotional scheme for Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra Telecom Circles & Chennai Telephone District 
In view of diversion of EVDO BTSs/Kits from Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra Telecom Circles & Chennai Telephone District to Assam, NE-1, NE-2, & J&K Telecom circles, BSNL offers GSM FWP with 2G SIM under 2G mobile services to the affected CDMA postpaid voice customers in Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra Telecom Circles & Chennai Telephone District as under:- 
i) GSM FWP to be offered free of cost to only those affected CDMA postpaid voice customers whose average monthly revenue over the last six months is more than Rs.150 (Incl. of S. Tax). 
ii)For other affected CDMA postpaid voice customers whose average monthly revenue over the last six months is less than Rs.150 (Incl. of S. Tax) may be offered postpaid or prepaid GSM connection with free activation charge/ starter pack. 
iii) The customer has to return the FWT/IFWT in working condition which may be utilized in the circle where it is surrendered or may be sent to the circles where there is demand for these sets. 
iv)No freebies to be offered to these customers at the time of activation of connection of GSM FWP. 
v) Security deposit and other tariffs will be as per standard GSM postpaid voice plans. 
vi)The above scheme will be launched for a limited period of 90 days from the date of implementation in BSNL, CSCs of the area where BSNL has shifted EVDO BTSs. 
vii)The above tariff will be applicable with effect from 01.04.2013

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