

BSNL Phone Plus Services in CDMA 2000-1X WLL

  Call Waiting

  Call Forwarding
   Dynamic Locking
  Call Transfer

   Abbreviated Dialing
  Three Way Conference
Call Waiting
Very useful when you are expect an important call.
While you are talking on phone if anyone else rings you he will hear ringing tone and you will be informed by a special tone, another call is waiting. You may then choose to talk to either party alternately. This facility is provided by default to ALL WLL phone lines. 
This facility is FREE.

When  you are busy and receiving another call you can switch to other call by pressing calling button (green) and pressing 2 to switch back to first call press again calling button and 1 .

I. Activation :- Dial *118 and wait for confirmation Tone
II.Deactivation :- Dial*119 and wait for confirmation Tone

Call Forward
      There are 4 types of Call Forward
A. CFNA(Call Forward on No Answer) :
When Subscriber is absent or does not lift the phone for full ringing time
I. Activation :- 
   Dial *1222#9133XXXXXXXX and wait for confirmation Tone
II.Deactivation :- Dial*1223 and wait for confirmation Tone

B. CFU(Call Forward Unconditional) : 
   When Subscriber wants call to be Forwarded immediately to some    other Phone.

I. Activation :- Dial *114#9133XXXXXXXX and wait for confirmation    Tone
II.Deactivation :- 
   Dial*115 and wait for confirmation Tone

C. CFB(Call Forward on Busy) : 

When Subscriber is absent or does not lift the phone for full ringing time
I. Activation :-
Dial *1220#9133XXXXXXXX and wait for confirmation Tone
II.Deactivation :- Dial*1221 and wait for confirmation Tone

D. CFD(Call Forward on Default) : 

   When Subscriber is Switched OFF or Not reachable then the incoming    call forwarded
I. Activation :- Dial *68#9133XXXXXXXX and wait for confirmation    Tone
II. Deactivation:- Dial*680 and wait for confirmation Tone

Call Transfer
   Call transfer is littile different from other switches. Here call means an    Active call is transfered to another phone . Suppose MS-A calls MS-B,    MS-B answers the call but transfers (press send button and dial the    MS-C phone No) this call to MS-C and terminates the call so that MS-A    and MS-B are in conversation.
On lifting the call press SEND button and dial the other phone no. after third party lifts phone you can terminate the call.

Dynamic Locking
Codes to Dial -

i)  for Password Registration - *23  xxxx   xxxx
             xxxx : dial twice your 4 digit password

ii)  for Allow all Calls - *24 xxxx 0 

iii) for Bar only STD Calls - *24 xxxx 3 

iv) for Bar only Local Calls (Free Calls allowed) -*24 xxxx 2 

v)  for Bar all Out going Calls - *24 xxxx 4 

vi) for Change your Password - *23 xxxx yyyy Where, xxxx : Existing      Password & yyyy : New Password.

   Three Way Conference
   Same as Conference. MS'A' and MS'B' are in conversation now MS'A'    presses send button ad dials MS'C' no then MS'A' ---->MS'B' in HOLD
   MS'A' ----->MS'B' in conversation
   MS'A' again presses send button and all three will be in conversation

  Abbreviated Dialing
   Assign yourself 2-digit codes for dialing Phone Nos. you call most often    (max.10 nos.). 'Local or STD.'
This facility is FREE.
   This facility saves valuable dialing time. For recording the abbreviated    No. NA against full No. NF, Dial 110 � NA � NF (After Ack.tone replace    handset). Dial using Abbreviated Code : For No. NF, dial 111-NA only.

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