

BSNL Broadband Bills Promotional 33% discount on annual payment, 1% discount on online payment, 20 % discount for Govt employees

33 % discount on Broadband Annual payment
Now you can settle your problem bills with samadan scheme

Discount scheme to Govt. employees under DSL Broadband Services
  • Reduction of discount from existing 20% to 10%, for the serving and retired Central Government/State Government/ PSU Employees (existing and new customers) under DSL Broadband services.
  • Introduction of 10% discount to the serving and retired Central Government/State Government/ PSU Employees under FTTH Broadband services .
Effective from 01-10-2013 and the revised discount shall be applicable on the bills issued from 1st Nov. 2013 onwards.

150 freecalls if you have modem

If you have your own Instrument 300 MCU free for landline

Pay your bills through or through ECS and get 1% discount on next bill

for broadband users 1100 discount on 3G data card

Scheme of 1% discount for online/ ECS payment stands withdrawn w.e.f. 1st April, 2013

1 comment :

  1. BSNL is also becoming like any other private operators.Gradually and unilaterally they are withdrawing all discounts/additional facilities given to customers. This is unfair trade practice in a way.Authorities should clearly understand that when a plan is selected by a customer at any point of time, he or she will be doing so anticipating that such plan will remain till he or she surrender the facility with BSNL. Unilaterally changing/modifying the plans is not a fair trade practice. Since telephone/broadband operators can not be changed frequently, any plan they offer should remain till the customer surrenders the telephone connection.
    Recent example is unilaterally increasing the monthly COMBO Broadband charges from Rs 900 to Rs 950 and changing 400 free calls to any network to Rs 400 free talk time to only BSNL network. If this is continued, BSNL may lose its base and incur heavy loss in due course.
